~ Chapter Forty Five ~

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~ Chapter Forty Five ~ (Final Chapter)

"Beau where are you taking me, I don't see your proof anywhere." I said.

"We're almost there just be patient." He replied.

I flicked the channels on the radio and stopped when I heard a song that had a big impact on mine and my brothers lives.

I looked at Beau and saw him smile, I kinda smiled to because this is the song that helped us rise to fame around the world many years ago, it was 'Best Friends'.

My slight happiness was over by the time I realized where we were.

The cemetery where Kelly was buried.

We walked up the path in silence, Beau was in front and leading the way, we ended up standing in front of Kelly's grave.

'Kelly Anne Parks

D.O.B: 7•4•1995

Mother, Friend and Girlfriend

Gone way too soon'

Her headstone read.

I found myself sitting on the grass staring at the words on the headstone, now I understand Beau's proof, she is dead, and will be dead forever.

- 1 month later -

"So you keep seeing her?" Jai asked me.

"Yes Jai, she's everywhere, she keeps visiting me and talking to me but refusing to stay with me." I explained.

He looked at the carpet and sighed loudly.

"Luke, what if you are actually losing it?" He asked.

"How could you say that Jai? You haven't lost the love of your life!." I yelled.

"Actually I have." He said.

"The person you love most is still alive, you haven't lost her." I said.

"She cheated on me, then dumped me, she has already moved on and I'm just left here watching her love someone else." Jai said.

"There are three kinds of heart break Luke, when someone is reckless with your heart and it shatters in ways you never thought it would, when you break someone else's heart, you'll never know pain like the type that has you look into their eyes and they look away, and the worst kind of heart break is when you have to watch the person you love most be happy and in love with someone else." Jai added.

"What kind of heartbreak am I experiencing?" I asked.

"You are grieving Luke, it's causing you to see her when she isn't there, she won't be there ever again, and I can see that you are depressed again, but this time it's even worse." Jai said.

"I just want it to go away, I want her to come and make it better but she will never come back because she's dead and I can't live without her." I said starting to get teary.

"You wanna know what I think?." Jai asked.

I nodded.

"I think that you should just focus on Tyler and Georgia, put all of your concentration and effort into them and just raise them as a single dad, it will help to distract you from Kelly." Jai said.

I nodded slowly, analyzing what he said and agreeing, he's right, I need to raise them, it's what she wanted, she wanted me to raise them well.

I walked down the road to my mums house which is also the house I grew up in, I went inside and was greeted with a hug from my mum, i haven't hugged anyone since I lost her, it really made me feel like things will get better again.

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