~ Epilogue: Part Two ~

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Try - Pink

Luke's POV

I felt a soft tap on my arm, i ignored it and continued sleeping, but it didn't stop. I kept being tapped on the arm so i opened my eyes and turned my head top see Kelly standing behind the couch i was lying on in her hospital gown.

The sleepiness wore off instantly as i became excited, she could have regained her memory.

"Hi, how're you feeling?" I asked, sitting up on the uncomfortable couch.

"Sore, but better," she said, her hand reaching her forehead, a small smile tugging on her pale dry lips.

"I'm sorry about yesterday, i shouldn't have yelled at you." She said.

"No, don't be, i shouldn't have pushed you." I said.

"But i shouldn't have yelled, you were just trying to fill me in on my life." She said.

She walked around the side of the couch and sat beside me, leaving a safe amount of distance between us. She pushed a stray strand of hair from her face behind her ear and looked up at me again.

"Luke, can you please tell me what else happened? After we had kids." She asked.

I nodded.

"I promise i wont interrupt you at all," she said, "No, feel free to tell me what you think of what im telling you." I replied.

"You might need some ugh, tissues." I said, shuffling around the small, sterilized waiting room, searching for tissues. When i found the box on the receptionist desk i handed it to her and returned to my seat.

"Okay, go." She said, her eyes focused on me.

"Okay, well, you had Tyler, i came home almost as soon as you told me about him, we had a few days of being a stereotyped, cute family, then i stayed here with you and refused to go back to LA. We had um, sex again, and forgot about protection, again, resulting in Georgia, i was with you during the entire pregnancy, it was a really good experience. One ill never forget. Once Georgia was born we raised her like we raised Tyler except, when she was 5 we reached a major problem. We found out that she had leukemia. It was the hardest thing we ever went through, not only was our daughter sick, very sick," I had to take a pause as the tears built up and i began to cry because of the memory.

Kelly dabbed her eyes with a tissue as she began to cry also.

Once we both recovered i continued;

"We had to move to England, away from everyone. We lived in a apartment building for two years, it was the hardest two years of my life, I went into a deep depression, but you helped me out of it, along with some anti depressants," I laughed a little then regained my seriousness.

"Georgia was cured of her cancer, i swear i was so happy that day, i just couldn't believe it, it meant she was healthy, it meant we could go home and continue our lives in Melbourne. When we came home we were reunited with everyone we left behind. The kids went back to school, the same one we went to, things were normal, except it was different. We never thought we would but, we grew up, we were both 24 and had two kids, lived together and when the kids weren't there it was quiet, you used to read a book while i sat across from you on my laptop, it was silent but it was never awkward, it was comfortable,  even though we didn't speak with words we still communicated, with our eyes, sometimes you would look up from your book at me and we would smile then return to what we were doing, but other times we would do that but instead of going back to what we were doing we would have sex, or make out or get out of our seats to go on a drive, but those days were my favourite, even though i missed when we were young, i loved sitting across from you while we went on with our own hobbies, sharing occasional glances." I said, i took a deep breath as i knew what i had to tell her next, what happened on that day.

I saw her smile to herself as she twiddled her thumbs, waiting for me to continue what i was telling her, but i know that her smile would vanish when i speak of the day that tore us apart and put us in this situation.

"Then, one day when we were doing what we usually would when the kids were at school, my phone rang, it was Beau, he wanted to tell me about a fight he had with his wife, Anna. It was over something stupid like him leaving his dirty shirt on the floor, you saw that Beau was calling so you offered to pick up the kids, i let you go, so you left, we didn't speak another word, i whispered that i love you to you but you didn't hear me because you already left the room and started your car, i got out of my chair and watched you drive off through the window, if only i knew what was going to happen," I was crying again, she looked like she was about to because her bottom lip quivered and her eyes became glassy.

"Then I got the call, that told me that you-you were in hospital. I used the same intersection you were using to pick up the kids but i didn't turn left, i went straight because that was where the hospital was, but before i went to the hospital i stopped at the intersection, because i saw your car, it was wrapped around a pole all squished on the drivers side, the truck was no where to be found, i got out of my car and looked into the window, which was shattered and all over the seat, i saw your handbag on the seat so i picked it up and then i saw blood, your blood all over your seat, then i ran to my car and sped to the hospital, i knew it was serious, your condition. I ran to the room you were in and the doctor told me you had a 10% chance of survival, i was guttered, i didn't know what to do, so i stayed on this couch, after reciting every thought i had ever had about you to you, I've been here for a week, i came in yesterday, just like i did everyday, and asked if you were going to be okay, the doctor said he will know if you wake up and then you woke up." I said, tears still rolling down my cheeks and getting caught in my unshaven facial hair.

Tears rolled down her cheeks also as her head fell into her hands, i hesitantly placed my hand on her back then rubbed circles into it.

"I'm so sorry, Luke." She said after what felt like forever.

My head shot up.


"Don't be, none of this is your fault, Kelly." I said.

"It is, i should have watched where i was going before i hit the accelerator, i shouldn't have done this to you." She said.

"No, please don't say that, don't blame yourself, it isn't your fault you couldn't help what happened." I said.

I was about to say something else before we were interrupted;

"Miss Parks? We need you back in your room so we can run some tests." A nurse spoke.

"Okay, um ill see you soon, Luke." She said awkwardly as she stood up and followed the nurse back to her room.

Did she feel something when i told her everything that happened?

Will she regain her memory?

Can I help her?

All of these thoughts buzzed around my head, i wasn't sure if any of them could be possible but i knew one thing.

I'm going to try.

A/N Wow okay that was a hard chapter to write, lol im actually in a study period at school rn :')




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