~ Chapter Thirty Five ~

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~ Chapter Thirty Five ~

Luke's POV

We leave for England tomorrow, the whole family knows about Georgia's cancer and they are all very compassionate to our situation, she has accepted her illness as something to over come and something not to let win.

She is such a strong character and she won't let it hurt her without a fight, she got that from Kelly.

Even though Kelly sometimes runs from her problems she comes back and they are solved, I think Georgia will be the same.


• The next day •

We were all standing at the airport with our bags, the family with us to see us off, Tyler was about to cry but Georgia was putting on a brave face.

I was too because I can't let my family see me cry, I need to stay strong for them.

I really shouldn't hold all of my emotions in because its making me so depressed but I just can't tell anyone.

"Flight 3075 to London England now boarding."

Oh Great, I have to leave now.

Mum was now crying, Jai was close to it but Beau by this point had lost it, he didn't want us to leave, he wanted us to live a block away from him still, but we just can't at the moment.

We gave everyone a hug and then said our goodbyes and walked towards the gate to our flight.

Once we had sat down in our seats and done out seat belts up I leant my head back and looked out the window since I had the window seat.

I felt Kelly's fingers intertwine with mine and I closed my eyes while the plane lifted off the ground and started to take us to the other side of the world, away from the place I call home.

I plugged my headphones into my ears and closed my eyes again.

Kelly's head found its spot on my shoulder and I put my arm around her and rubbed her back, I opened my eyes and saw Georgia and Tyler asleep, so it was just Kelly and I awake.

"We'll be okay." I whispered to her.

She looked up at me and said "How do you know that?"

I was silent for a few minutes before I said "Because I know Georgia and she is as strong as you."

I then leant down and kissed her softly, her hands found my hair and she climbed onto my lap.

We finally pulled away and out of breath I said "I love you." She said "I love you more."

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Because I've never been so sure of something my whole life except for you." She said.

"You know what, you're the only girl that ill ever love, I loved you when I was a kid and ill love you till my death." I said honestly.

I brought her hand up to my lips and kissed it softly, then returned it to its original position and rubbed circles in it.

••• 20 hours later •••

Standing in front of our new house is weird.

It doesn't look very "homey" at all, it looks cold and miserable, but I guess we will have to make the best of it.

I slid the key into the slot and unlocked the front door, we walked inside, and looked around us, our furniture had been delivered and it looked like our other house almost except the fact that it wasn't double story, although it had a few steps up to Kelly and I's room, the kids were down the other end of the house and we didn't have a backyard, because we were 30 stories high in an apartment building.

By the time we had fully settled in it was 8:30 and Georgia and Tyler could barely keep their eyes open, Kelly was getting tired too.

We decided to tuck the kids into bed and then we would soon go to bed too.

By the time it was 10 o'clock Kelly had fallen asleep and I started to feel lonely, I've never felt this lonely before.

I was curled up in a ball on my side of the bed trying to hold back the tears threatening to spill, I was holding my phone and looking at old photos of our family, when Georgia was healthy.

Finally I gave up trying to hold the emotions in and just let it out, tears streaming like waterfalls down my face, my lips trembling and my throat letting out raspy sobs.

I threw my phone at the door in anger, I wasn't just sad anymore I was angry, why did god have to punish my family, my daughter, why would he give her such a terrible disease? It shouldn't be like this, she hasn't done anything wrong, why do the good people get punished?

My head just wouldn't shut up, all of these thoughts were driving me insane.

"Fuck off." I whispered.

"Luke what's wrong?" Kelly said shocked, she must've woke up.

"What isn't wrong Kel." I said.

"Luke -." I cut her off by hugging her tightly and sobbing into her chest.

"Shh." She cooed as she rubbed my back.

"Things will get better for us." She said.

"We will be happy again, I swear."

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