~ Chapter Thirty Six ~

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~ Chapter Thirty Six ~

1 month later...

Kelly's POV

"Thanks Lauren." I said as I took the small bag with natural treatments for cancer in it.

Georgia had started chemo almost a month ago and it's going we'll so far, but the doctors recommended that we try natural treatments as well as the main treatment, my friend Lauren owns a shop with natural medicines in it.

I became friends with her when we moved here, she has helped our family so much as well, aside from the cancer treatments she also gave me anti-depressants for Luke and just normal vitamin supplements for Tyler and I, I feel so healthy and energetic now since she gave them to me, I get so much done in a day now.

Tyler has adjusted to life in London but still misses home because of Nessie.

The anti-depressants have really helped Luke, he can handle this situation now and talks to me about it when he is feeling a little down, but overall he has been so good with his emotions.

I walked down the street, my Mary Janes making clip clop noises on the grey pavement, the cold air caressing my face as I walked.

I pulled my scarf higher on my neck and sped up my pace slightly, getting closer to the apartment building in which we live.

I knocked on the door and was greeted by a half asleep Luke, a very sexy look for him i must say, a smile stretched across his face and his eyes finally looked awake when he saw my face.

He pecked my on the lips and let me inside, I hung my coat up on the coat hanger and put the small bag on the kitchen counter, Luke told me he was going back up to bed so i gave him another kiss and then he walked into our room, then I went and sat I front of the fire.

Tyler was at school and Georgia was in the hospital, it was her second home, she would come home after a treatment and then as her health lowered within a few days she would go back to the hospital.

She has gotten used to it though, she doesn't seem to mind because all she cares about is getting healthy again and then returning home.

And by home I mean Melbourne.

After spending an hour in front if the fire I stood up grabbed the bag off the table and put my coat on again, I took my keys out of the pocket and then walked outside and climbed into my car and turned on the engine, the seat heating up as the car warmed up.

Once I reached the hospital I didn't bother asking what room Georgia was in since she is almost always here.

I opened her door and saw her sitting up in bed watching the tv, a smile grew on her face as she saw me standing there.

"Hi mum." She said.

"Hi sweetie." I replied.

"How are you feeling?"I asked.

"Better than yesterday." She replied.

"I got some more natural medicine for you." I said.

"Thanks mum." She said.

I took them out of the bag and placed them on her bed side table.

I sat down in the armchair and started teaching her things she would be learning at home if she wasn't sick, like maths, how to write, spelling and stuff like that.

Once we had started a different subject a nurse came in to check on her.

"Hey Lidia." I said as she approached us.

Something struck me about her appearance today, instead of smiling big like always she had a frown on her face and a disappointed look in her eyes.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Um, I have some bad news." She said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, the cancer has spread further in Georgia's body." She said.

"How?" I asked, it seemed like such a stupid question but I really wanted to know how this treatment wasn't working, I mean what it is doing to Georgia's body, making her hair fall out, making her throw up, feel tired, it just isn't fair.

"The cancer has got worse, I'm not sure how but the test results from this morning came back with more cancer in her body." Lidia explained.

I nodded my head.

"What does that mean for Georgia?" I asked.

"Well I'm not sure, but she will need more intense treatment to try and get rid of the cancer before it gets too severe." She explained.

"I'm so sorry Kelly." She added.

"It isn't your fault, and as long as it makes her better I'm fine with more treatment." I said.

When Lidia left I sunk back into my chair and sighed.

"Mum, it's okay, I'll get better." Georgia said.

I half smiled at her, trying to act like I wasn't so upset about this but she is my daughter, my own flesh and blood, how could I not be sad, this is heartbreaking, we thought she was getting better but it turns out that she's just getting worse.

I pulled out my phone and said "I guess I'll have to tell daddy." To Georgia.

To Lukey<3:

Her cancer is worse

From Kel

I wanted to write more but I couldn't type the diagnosis, I need to talk to him about it, so I guess those four words will be enough to tell Luke that he needs to come down here.

After a few minutes I got a reply.

From Lukey<3:

Oh.. I'm coming down, see you soon x

About ten minutes later Luke walked into the room a look that I couldn't really read on his face, but I knew that he definitely wasn't happy.

He embraced me in a long hug, rubbing circles in my back as we hugged.

He then whispered "Come outside to explain?"

I nodded and then said "Were just going outside, be right back." To Georgia.

Once the door was closed Luke asked "What's the diagnosis?"

"Well Lidia told me that this mornings tests came back with more cancer in her body and that we will need to increase treatment to try and stop it spreading more." I explained.

"Will she be okay?" He asked.

"I really hope so."

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