~ Chapter Twenty Seven ~

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~ Chapter Twenty Seven ~

*Kelly's POV* (again)

I don't know why I run from any kind of problem I have, I guess it's just my way of dealing with things.

My legs were starting to hurt because I had run from our house to the middle of no where, once I stopped running my mind began racing.

It just sunk in that I'm pregnant for the second time.

It's funny how Luke and I have only done it twice and both times I have ended up pregnant.

I walked into a cafe and sat by myself at a table against the wall.

A lady came over and asked if I would like to order anything, I said no and once she left I pulled out my phone, I already had 10 missed calls and 30 text messages, most from Luke but a few from Beau and Gina.

From Beau:

Kel where are you? Luke called me crying saying that you ran away and he's lost you? Call me when you get this! Xx

From Gina:

Kelly, Luke told me you ran off? Please let me know where you are, and that your safe. xx

From Luke<3



I began replying to the text messages.

To Beau:

I'm fine Beau, I just need time to think, I'll go home when I'm ready xx

To Gina:

Gina! I'm safe and I'm in some cafe not far from home,  

And yes I ran off, but only because Luke threatened me and yelled at me, I've never seen him so angry before, I was terrified of him. x

Finally I sent a text to Luke.

To Luke:

Luke, I'm just thinking about stuff at the moment and ill come home later, I love you too but I've never been scared of you before, your eyes looked so cold and harsh when you yelled at me, I just can't be around you when you're like that.

I locked my phone and put it in front of me on the table, I put my head in my hands and closed my eyes, one question kept repeating in my mind.

Does love overcome fear?

Because I'm scared, not just of Luke when he's raging, but everything, I mean I'm pregnant with our second child, I'm only 18.  

Luke is probably scared to but not as scared as me.

I sat in that cafe until the sun started to set, I decided that I had to go home and face Luke now or I won't be able to see where my house is in the dark.

I looked down at my phone and saw that Luke, Beau and Gina had replied to my text.

From Gina:

Okay Hun, please make sure you get home safely, and just tell Luke how you feel and he'll understand, he always has been a very reasonable person.

From Beau:

Kel just make sure you are safe x

From Luke<3

Babe, I'm so sorry please come home so we can talk, I shouldn't have got mad and yelled at you, I know that I was wrong, but please just come home, I love you! X

I slid my phone in my pocket and began my walk home, by the time I reached the front door it was dark, I hesitated knocking at first then just knocked anyway. 

Luke answered the door, his eyes swollen and teary, he looked miserable then he realized it was me standing at the door and he instantly pulled me in for a hug, he closed the door behind him and carried me to the couch, still hugging me.

"Kel, I'm so sorry." He said.

"I shouldn't have got mad at you, there is no excuse for what I did, I promise I'll never do it again." He added.

"Luke, it's okay, I forgive you." I said.

He put his hand on my cheek and looked into my eyes, then whispered "I need you so badly."  

I smiled as he push a strand of my hair behind my ear, he then leant in and kissed my lips softly, then he pulled away, "I love you."

"I love you too." I said.

We walked up to our room and climbed into bed, Luke told me that Tyler was already in bed, so we had time to ourselves.

Luke climbed on top of me and began kissing my neck, he kept sucking on my neck while I just lied there with my arms around him.

He started to pull my pants down and then took his top off, and his own pants.

He went to take off my underwear when I said "Luke we can't."

"Why not?." He asked.

"Because every time we do I get pregnant, and besides, I already am pregnant." I explained.

"True." He said.

"Let's just kiss." I said.

He nodded.

I kissed him softly at first, then harder, we ended up in a full make out session. Once we were both exhausted we stopped and just cuddled under the blanket.

I put my head on Luke's bare chest and before I knew it I was asleep.

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