~ Chapter Twenty One ~

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~ Chapter Twenty One ~

The boys were home for a week.

Now they are gone again, this time for nine months, but this time we are going to Skype every day and it won't be as hard for any of us to be apart.

3 months later..

I started feeling the baby kick. I remember the first time it kicked i almost cried because of all the hormones.

Being pregnant sucks.

It becomes hard to do normal everyday activities. 

Im tired all the time and always so hungry, its becoming obvious that im pregnant since i now have the baby bump, on Skype Luke doesnt notice so its not really a problem. 

I had to take time off my job because its too hard now, my boss understood.

Its 5:30 so Luke will be skype calling me soon. 

I opened my laptop and logged into Skype, just as I did that i had an incoming call from Luke.

I answered it and smiled when i saw his face.

[ "" is Kelly and ^ ^ is Luke]

^ Hey Babe^

"Hey Lukey"

^Um I kinda need to say something but i don't want to^

"What is it?"

I felt fear and anxiety rush through my body.

^Um, I think we should um^

"We should what?"

^Take a break for a while^

A tear streamed down his face as he said it.


^Because its too hard, the distance, I know its hard for you too, and im not going to be back for ages, they changed it to two years, im gonna be gone for two years^

I felt myself start to tear up, my heart was shattered into a million pieces.

"Okay Luke, I uh I gotta go"

And with that I hung up the call and walked into my room, lied down on the bed and cried harder than ive ever cried before.

It felt like forever since I started crying because i just couldn't stop,no matter how hard I tried, everything reminded me of him, I suppose that was because its his room, well our room. 

I need to get out of here for a while, I just need some time to think about what I will do about the baby.

I grabbed my jacket and threw my arms into the sleeves and then left the house,I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sent Gina a text telling her i was out for a while and that ill be back soon.

I walked down the road to the park and went straight to our tree, climbed up and sat in the seat, then I stared out through the autumn leaves at the children playing on the playground and having picnics with their families on the grass. 

That was supposed to be me Luke and our baby, and now its going be me just me and the baby because of how long Luke will be away for.

2 years.

He was supposed to be home just after the baby was born, and he or she would know Luke from birth but now the baby will meet him at the age of 2.

I felt a kick inside my stomach and i put my hand where my baby would be and the kicking stopped, the baby obviously knew that i was upset.

"Its okay baby, we'll be fine." I whispered.

I can't keep this a secret anymore but I can't have Luke know yet, but I need to tell someone, and I know just who that is.

A/N: omg who do you think it is? Ill give you a clue, it definitely isn't Luke haha  


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