Chapter 57

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Lindsey's pov
I woke up in the silk sheets on the really big bed. It covered my bare body, Alex woke up right when I did. He smiled at me and I turned to him. "Fun night?" He asked and closed his eyes. "Hmm I don't know" I said he opened his eyes "I'm just kidding it was the best night ever" i said giggling. I got up and dragged the sheets around my body. I picked up my bra and put it on and put my underwear on.

I grabbed my shorts and slipped them on, I searched the floor for my shirt. Alex was holding it I tried to grab it but he held it higher and pulled me to his body. I laughed as he kissed me and handed my shirt back to me. I grabbed my stuff and headed to the door.

"Are you coming?" I asked as I fixed my hair. I have to clean up here but I will see you when I get home.

"Okay" I said as I kissed him and walked out.

I got in my car and started to drive home, I stopped at a stop light and looked over at the beach I saw someone I knew. It was Amber! I pulled over onto the beach and got out and slammed my door.

She turned around "Lindsey nice to see you" she said. I pushed her back "you little bitch I was waiting until I saw you again" I said.

"I'm so sorry about you loss how are you" she said laughing I rolled my eyes and punched her right in the jaw.

"I can't BELIVE you just did that! Do you feel better" she taunted. "Yeah" said clutching my bloody hand. I walked back to my car happy that I finally got that out of my system.

I drove home this time. I got out and walked inside Aqua was eating breakfast on the couch. "Oh look who showed up! How was you night!" She said. "Great" I said smiling.

It really was a good night, one of my best nights. Lily came running down the stairs, "Lindsey!!! I'm getting married!!!" She screamed as Alex came in. "Really!?" We both asked. "That great Lily!!! Let me see!" I said picking up her hand "oh my god it's gorgeous" I said.

I was so happy for lily, she was finally starting a family and getting everything she wanted that I also wanted.

Caroline's pov
I woke up again next to Carson but this time it was different. I looked at Carson as he a woke. I got up "hey" he said in a sleepy voice.

"Caroline are you okay" he said as I paced slowly around the room. He got up "Caroline?" He asked I looked straight into his eyes. He leaned in and so did I and our lips met.

Carson's pov
I kissed Caroline! "Do you know how long I have wanted to do that" I said "really you wanted to kiss me?" She asked.

"Who wouldn't Caroline you are the most prettiest girl I have ever met!" I said. She blushed, I laughed.

We went down stairs holding hands to get so breakfast, Aqua gasped "looks like we have a new couple on our hands!" She said. "Nice!" Alex said to me.

Lindsey's pov
Alex pulled me outside, "Lindsey I need to talk to you about something" he said.

He looked out to the ocean, "Lindsey, i think you are the most amazing person ever! You are beautiful you are smart you are perfect, and I knew that from the beginning! I want us to be more than we are now, I mean look around lily and Henry have a baby and now they are getting married, Caroline and Carson have just started a relationship, Aqua and Barndon are together, Anastasia and Liam moved out and are starting a family and your brother is finishing college. Everyone is going on to a next step and I want to do that with you! I want to start a family, I want you to be my everything!"I locked my eyes on his.

"I have a kingdom and a sister in Hawaii and signs are telling me that we all need to move on and go our separate ways, we all live in one house together, I want our own separate place I want to be able to call you mine! That's why I want you to marry me!" He said getting down on one knee and pulled out a box. There it is, that moment where everything stops.

Hey guys so I have updated 4 times today and I am so excited!!!!

ATTENTION EVERYONE!!! This is the end of this book and I am going to make a sequel!!!!! Yayayaysyattat!!!!!!! SO EXCITED WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN NOW!!!??

Please please comment and vote!!!!!!!!!!


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