Chapter 18

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Aquas pov

I woke up in my bed on a Saturday morning, I jumped up and went over to my desk. Today was my birthday! I am so excited I'm turning 17 ,my first birthday on land. I went to the kitchen to get some breakfast but I saw breakfast on the counter. Pancakes with strawberries and syrup, my favorite. Next to the plate was a note it said "Happy birthday Aqua I made you some breakfast I had to take care of some things be back later love Lindsey" I smiled.

I went back to my room and picked out a cute outfit and some flip flops. I was going to go walk on the beach. I was so pretty outside the sun was shining brightly in the sky. I walked out to the deck and breathed in the salty sea air. I held my shoes in my hand and walked onto the warm sand.

Lindsey's pov

It was Aquas birthday and I wanted to do something special for her. I jumped into the water. Aqua always told me about how her mom made her this brush and she never brought her makeup with her. She said that she could never go and face her parents again so I am getting them for her. I swam to Aquas house and up to her bedroom. I pick up her brush and her makeup box. I turned to leave and I saw Aquas parents. "Lindsey we are so sorry" they said. "Yeah I know" "Can you just give these to Aqua" they said. "sure" I said grabbing the small box and envelope and swimming quickly out of Aquas house.

I ran to my house hoping that Aqua isn't there. I ran inside with the gifts in my hands. I looked through the window I saw Aqua coming onto the deck. I ran to my bedroom I shoved the presents into my closet and closed the door, I ran back as Aqua walked in. "Heey Aqua" I said nervously. "Hey you okay" she said "yeah I'm fine" "Hey can I borrow your pink crop top" she said walking towards my bedroom."noo,uh you can't" "why" "because- I'm going to buy you one" I said nervously. "Oh wow okay you don't have to" "oh no of course you're my friend" "okay" she said.

After I took Aqua to the mall we went home so I could keep Aqua busy. Henry and Justin are setting up the surprise party in Henry's house. Aqua was doing homework on her desk and I was doing my on her bed. "Hey what did you get for number 7?" "23" I said. "Hey I got to go and do something I will be back".

Aquas pov

"Ok" I said as she gathered her books and left. I haven't seen Henry or Justin all day so I decided I was going to see them.

Lindsey pov

I walked over to Henry's house there were streamers everywhere and balloons. "What are you doing here you should be getting ready". "Ok mr bossy". I walked out and saw Aqua walking toward me "What are you doing" she said "uh nothing, you know I'm going to take you to a party" I said smiling "seriously a party" she said "yeah come on it will be fun!"

Aquas pov
I seriously don't think Lindsey knows it's my birthday, she is taking me to someone else's party on my birthday.

Lindsey pov
I took Aqua to my house and we got ready I wore a blue short dress that is tight and strapless, and I also wore makeup and curled my hair. Aqua had purple short dress with small straps and straightened hair. "Do we really have to go to a party" she said "yes we have to go." I walked outside Henry's house was dark, perfect. I took her across the street "why are we going to Henry's house" "he is coming too" I said. I opened the the door it was super dark "SURPRISE!!!!" Yelled the 100 or more people. "OMG Lindsey you did this for me" "of course" I said. Kaitlyn came over and hugs both of us. The music was booming with the DJ set and people were dancing. We had so much fun.

It was like 12 at night and everyone left so we had to clean up. I gave Aqua her things from her room, and she loved it. Justin gave her a necklace and Henry gave her some cool headphones. When Aqua and I went back to my house,she sat on her bed and I gave her the present her parents have to me. She opened the envelope she read it silently, then she silently opened the box. Inside was a shell a fairly large one. She gasped "what is it" "its a shell phone, I have always wanted one." "cool I want one" she laughed. Later we both fell asleep playing with the shell.

Guys I am so sorry I haven't updated I have a super busy schedule this week especially in May so I might not be updating as much. I wrote a birthday chapter because my birthday is on Thursday!! So yeah follow my friend stasiaTasia and check out her book Storybook Island !!!

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