Chapter 12

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I opened my eyes and all I could see is I was in my bed mermaid form. "why was I in mermaid form?" I thought. Aqua and Kaitlyn were crashed out on the floor in their bathing suit then I see Henry crashed out beside me, with no shirt.

He so hot, wait what no Lindsey he's your friend btw did I mention he is so cute when he is asleep. I shook Henry until he woke up and I threw pillows at Aqua and Kaitlyn. They woke up and they all looked at me like crazy.

"Hello help me." "What the why are you like that." said Kaitlyn. "yeah" said Henry "who knows" said Aqua. "What" I said "Anything could have cause this" she said in a shaky voice. "just forget about it" she said grabbing a towel.

  After I dried off I walked down the hall to the kitchen and Henry followed me. I was still in my bikini so I put a t shirt on over it. My mom was holding the mail and looked up at me "we need to talk" she said in a positive tone.

Then I think she got the wrong idea Henry came behind me and still had his shirt off "so hot". "oh uh hi Henry honey your only 17 I don't think you should be-" Just then Aqua and Kaitlyn walked out. "uh what did we just walk into?" Kaitlyn and Aqua asked.

I bursted out laughing" oh my god mom you though we did that.. ha ha ha" I laughed until it got awkward "What" everyone asked. My mom was laughing too. "She thought when I came out with a t shirt on and Henry's shirt off she thought-" I kept laughing. Henry started laughing weirdly "What why would you think that" he said nervously.

Aqua and Kaitlyn looked at me with that one eyebrow look. I got up off the floor because I was laughing so hard" like it would ever happen" joking. I don't know what just happened but my mom, Aqua, ad Kaitlyn were giving us the look. I felt really awkward so I walked away on to the deck and sat on the bench swing. I saw Henry walk to the table and sit down. Kaitlyn came out to me. "What the heck, what just happened" she said "I don't know"I said as I stood up and walked to the kitchen.

  I got myself some cereal and sat down across from Henry. It was really awkward I felt like everyone was staring at us and whispering witch they were. I got up and walked to my room and started to make my bed then I heard Someone walk in and shut the door I turned around it was Henry.

Kaitlyn point of view
"Aqua, I just saw Henry go in Lindsey's room and he shut the door" Aqua gasps"what do you think is going on with them?" She said "who knows" I said "only one way to find out" she said as she creeped by the door and put her ear against it. I rolled my eyes and did the same.

Lindsey's point of view
  "Hey sorry about that" he said "oh it's not your fault I can see why they would think that I mean considering the way we were dressed." I said "yeah" he walked towards me. Now we were really close. "Why couldn't we do it" he whispered into my ear. I blushed " you look so cute when you blush" I blushed even more. He leaned in and kissed me passionately he pushed me down and a full out make out session began.

Aquas point of view

"Omg I think I hear some thing" I heard kissing noises I gasped. "What" Kaitlyn asked "I think there doing it" "OMG!" She said. "We have to distract your mom" I said. "Leave it to me" she said. I was so excited for Lindsey! I felt like I was a spy. Then I heard the door shut it was Justin "Omg Justin come here" "what" "Henry and Lindsey are...." "WHAT!".

Lindsey point of view
  Henry and I were still kissing I mean we weren't doing it we were just making out I think. My t shirt was off and I was in my bathing suit and Henry had his shirt off. Henry finally pulled away and stood up we both decided we would play it normal even though we like each other and just had a full out make out session in my bedroom.

We walked out and I was still in my bathing suit Aqua and Justin were standing there I could tell they were hiding something. "We need to talk" said Justin angrily.

   I ran off I didn't want to talk to him. I ran down to the pool I knew I couldn't get in he was running after me. "Lindsey!!" He said running after me. He stop by the pool "talk to me now" "no" I said. I stepped back I felt the grass and I realized it was "WET!!" I started to panic. I saw Henry running after Justin " HENRY HELP ME ITS WET!!" He panicked to. "GET INTO THE POOl" Justin had a crazy look on his face by now I could see Aqua and Kaitlyn running after Henry and Aqua realized instantly.

I dived in to the pool with a big splash. My tail began to form I rose up. Everyone was surrounding the pool I realized Aqua had also jumped after me. Justin said "What the hell your a..." Aqua jumped out of the water " DON'T YOU DARE HURT HER" "your one too" "yes and if you tell anyone your dead" he nodded.

"Guys can we have time alone." Justin sat down beside me I swam up to him "how is this even possible" "I don't really know, but Justin I am so sorry for lying to you about everything" "it's okay I know you were trying to protect you and Aqua". I smiled "but why did you..... with Henry"

"what! we didn't...." "Good, so your a mermaid " "yeah I even have powers" "cool". "Guys you can come back" Justin called back.

  Everyone came back and Aqua was back on land. I jumped out of the pool and all eyes were on me. I held up my hand and my tail began to smoke until it was dry then my feet began to form Henry and Aqua smiled .

"So what's the deal with you and Henry" asked Kaitlyn. "Um" "we are officially dating" he said. "We are?" "yeah we are, you are seriously going to tell me that....made nothing to you"he said everyone laughed. "Okay we are dating"I said "wait so you guys didn't..." asked Kaitlyn "no is that what you guys all thought?"I asked "Yeah pretty much"she said "wow" said Henry.

  After everyone went home Aqua and I walked inside the house. My mom was at her desk "honey come here" "coming" I said. "I'll wait in your room." Aqua said. "What's up" "honey the letter came." When my dad died we had his body preserved to be buried but it would take a couple weeks then they would send a letter saying it was ready.

"I have already planned the funeral just a few family and friends." "ok" I said quietly. "I wanted you to pick the place where he would be buried." "ok". Our house was built by my dad it's very modern.

Outside under the deck is like a big block of wood then on the bottom where the pool is. "The wall of the block of wood bellow the deck" I said. "good choice." My mom said. "It's later today at 4 ok" "yeah ok" I said. I went back to my room Aqua was on her phone. "hey what's wrong" "will you come to my dads funeral today?"I asked "Uh sure I didn't know your dad died"she said "oh yeah I never told you he died of cancer a week ago." "then I would love to attend"she said.

4 hours later

Aqua and I were getting ready for my dads funeral when we heard a knock on the door I opened it and it was Henry. He was dressed in a suit and tie. Aqua had on a black lace dress with high heels and her hair curled and a black flower headband. I was wearing a short black dress the top is sparkly and the bottom is sort of poofy, my hair was curled, and I wore black heels. "Wow you guys look amazing" Henry said "Thanks" we both said.

Everyone gathered down by the pool my dad was already in the ground, he had a gray shiny grave. My mom said a few words and I said a few words. Then everyone had some food. I really wanted to visit my dads grave alone so I grabbed a rose from a bouquet. I walked down the steps and stood in front of my dads grave. I was holding my rose on one hand and my necklace that my dad gave me in the other. I placed the rose on the top of his grave. A couple of tears feel from my eyes. Henry came up and put his hand around my waist, I slipped my necklace in my dress pocket "you okay" "yeah".

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