Chapter 8

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I hugged Aqua "Hey Lindsey" she said as she squeezed me. We were in the palace, it was really quiet, the King and Queen were doing business in their throne room. We swam together to greet them but they we not very happy to see us.

"What's wrong?" Aqua said. "We are being under an attack."

"What do you mean we are being under an attack?" Aqua questioned. "Its the Sharks, they want our land." the queen explained. "wait, real sharks!" I said. "no they are mermen they have sharks as their pets." Aqua said. "Well what are we going to do" Aqua said. "We don't know, some have already heard about what will happen and have left the kingdom." said the King.

"Honey we would like for you to be somewhere safe where they can't harm you." "What about you guys" said Aqua frightened. "We have to stay here and protect the kingdom." the queen said. "But where will I go?" "You will stay on land as long as possible with Lindsey" said the king. "On land!" Aqua said "I can barely survive being a mermaid." "it's okay honey Lindsey will help you" the queen said.

"yeah I will make sure you fit in." I said. "you must go now." They said. "I love you!" She called back as we were leaving. Aqua had a tear come down her cheek, but wiped it away. She eventually stopped being sad. "so how do I get on land" she asked. "well it's a little complicated." I said. Once we reach the beach we swam near some dry rocks where we could transform.

I pulled my self on top of one of the rocks and helped Aqua as well. "so what do we do now" she asked. "we wait." we waited for a few minutes then my legs started to form. Once they had formed Aqua had a interested expression on her face. When I stood up Aqua's legs began to form. She looked blankly at them, then eventually felt them and tried standing up, I helped her stand up but now I had to teach her how to walk. I was difficult but she got the hang of it. We both had bikinis on and Aqua didn't have any clothes so I gave her my t-shirt and I put on my shorts.

"What is this?" She asked. "oh yeah it's a t-shirt, you put it on over your bikini." i said. I helped her put it on. Aqua was very pretty but I also noticed her hair changed color into a dirty blonde hair color. "Okay let's go" I said as I grabbed my bag. I told her about being a human and what to do and what not to do. Once we got to my house I forgot that I had to go through my mom I couldn't just sneak Aqua in like I wanted to.

"Okay follow my lead" I said. She nodded. I opened the door my mom was in the kitchen washing the dishes. "Hey mom" I said "hey who's this?" She said. "oh this is Aqua she Is a friend of mine and I was wondering If she could stay here a while, her parents are going out of town and she needs someone to stay with." I said with a big smile on my face. "hmm alright but don't stay up too late." she said sort of quiet and sad voice

. I smiled at Aqua as she followed me back to my bedroom. "Wow you're at natural." she said. "what, oh thanks." I said. "wow I've never seen a room like this" she said. She sat down on my bed and felt how soft it was. "how do you sleep on this, it's so soft." she said. I bursted out laughing "are you for real". "yeah and what's so funny?" I explained to her and at the end we both laughed.

"Okay so do you want to sleep on the ground?" "Perfect" she said. I lay a pillow and a blanket in the floor, gave her some pjs and then we went to sleep.

Aqua was the first to wake up then me. "Good Morning" she said. "hey" I said. We walked down to the kitchen "so what do you want for breakfast." I asked. She looked confused so I gave her some toast and orange juice. "wow this is really good." she said. I smiled while drinking my orange juice.

Once breakfast was over I showed her to my walk in closet (and yes I do have a lot of clothes and shoes.) "We have to find you something to wear." I picked out a few crop tops, I picked one then Aqua picked one hers was blue with lace in the back my was white with lace in the back.

Then I gave her some jean shorts, some flip flops, and a purse. Then we headed out the door to buy some things she needed. Our family is pretty wealthy so I have no problem getting these things for Aqua. "so first you need a phone like mine" I said holding up my iPhone 6. "Oh, um what is a phone?" She asked.

"its a device that we use for calling someone or texting someone." I said. We made our way down to a phone store and I got her a 5s. Then we went to the mall to get clothes first we went to forever 21, then Aeropostale, then American Eagle. After that we got shoes and headed to the food court.

We had a lot of bags in our hands. "Shopping is hard work" she said. "tell me about it" I said. While we were in the food court I helped her set up her phone and get her on social media. After that we went home and dropped all the bags in my room. Then I jumped up "makeup!" I shouted.

Aqua let out a huge gasp"we always wear makeup when we are in the kingdom but I forgot mine." "then we have to go to Walgreens" I said. "Walgreens?" "Yeah they have cheap makeup there plus they have slot of other things you need."

"Okay let's go" she said. We drove down to Walgreens. When we got there we picked out a lot of makeup and other things: hairbrush, toothbrush and toothpaste, face cream, makeup remover, nail polish, and candy. It was like having a sister and having a sleepover every night.

Once we got home I moved one of my old dressers from the basement into my room and put it against an empty wall. "Wow it's beautiful" Aqua said admiring the dresser. I guess it is pretty I mean it's wooden with little seashells carved it to the wood the mirror and on the knobs. We had like a gizzilion bags so we had to unpack all of them. I also realized I had gotten a lot of things for me, well I can't help it when I go shopping, I go shopping.

After we unloaded all the bags we sat down and checked Instagram, she was really getting the hang of things. Later we watched a movie but I was so tired from shopping I feel asleep.

Hope you like it!!!!

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