Chapter 40

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Lindsey's pov

I was getting better, I rested a long time and I was finally ready to try and swim. I got up and moved around a little bit. Everyone was having breakfast, I didn't want anyone to notice me going out the door. I was still really sore but I managed. I swam out and into the town, I swam higher and higher until I reached the surface. My face burned a little bit but it felt good I hadn't been able to touch the fresh breezy air. I really wasn't in the mood for talking to anyone, I'm not sure what's wrong with me I just have distanced my self from everyone. I think they are worried about me but I didn't really care.

I decided to swim around a little bit, the corals today were brightly lighted. Seeing them made me smile, I glided along the corals and the rays of light shone on me. I was so happy here, it made me feel happy. Then I stopped, I noticed a small dark entrance. I was really curious, I wanted to go inside. I carefully swam inside, then I lifted my head making sure there wasn't a rock or something over me. It was a cave and it was a really cool cave. It was a fairly large cave and sort of looked like the one in the chamber. It had a pool in the middle and it had a seating bench thing along the edges. There was sand on the floor and there was enough room where I could get out and walk around.

I lifted  myself up on the ledge and onto the sand. I decided to try out my powers and turn my sparkly rail into my legs instead of drying them. I held up my hand and zap! My tail was instantly transformed into my skinny legs. I got up and decided to explore. There was a corner in the cave where some really unique shells were hidden. There were some weird markings on the wall but I couldn't make them out.

I decided I would go back and see everyone. I dove into the clear water and exited through the cave entrance. I swam down to the palace and walked through the doors and made my way to the dining hall. Everyone was sitting at the table chatting, they stopped and looked at me. I put on a fake smile, I sat down next to Aqua. "Lindsey we are so happy you are up and moving so you can go back on land" the Queen said. I was confused "um remember we can't go  they will just capture me again." I said disappointed. "Yes well Aquas father went on land and erased everyone's memory" she said thrilled " okay but why didn't we do that in the first place" I asked " well to many people knew and the potion would not be able to erase everyone's memory, but a lot of people who knew died in the fire" she said.

I nodded my head there was silence for a while and then Aqua broke it " well I'm going to get my things and we will leave in a few" she said swimming away. I got up and did the same and so did everyone else. I went to my house and gathered some of my things and put them I my bag. Then Carter came in and smiled "hey" he said "hi" I said "you okay?" He asked "yeah I'm fine" I lied. I really just needed to distance myself from everyone but there was no way to do that. 

So we were going back on land I didn't want to I had grown so attached to the ocean. I think everyone else did but not as much as me, it was like ripping away something from my heart, being on land. We all swam to the chamber entrance because we didn't want to draw to much attention to ourselves. We reached the surface and there was equipment everywhere. We all got out and I did my new magic thingy but Aqua just stared at me. The boys went through the tunnel and upstairs. I couldn't bare looking at all their equipment any longer. I flashed my magic forgetting that Aqua was right behind me. The equipment disappeared, I turned around and Aqua was standing right in front of me. "Lindsey I know you have all this cool magic but we don't know how you got this so I think you should lay off it for a while until we figure it out." She said I nodded and then we walked upstairs. The house was a mess things were all over the floor and there were a lot of things that were broken. I was so mad those stupid FBI agents! The boys were looking through the fridge but it was empty. They ate our food too!

I went to my bedroom and basically everything was on the ground. I groaned and sat on my bed and picked up my laptop. There were so many emails mainly from school. The principal wanted to meet with us on Monday to discuss our grades. I scrolled through and then I got to one that I didn't want to open but I had to. It was from Kaitlyn " hey Lindsey its Kaitlyn I am coming home on Saturday can't wait to see you guys!!" It said. A knock on my bedroom door made me jump. Carter came in and I quickly shut the laptop and tried to act okay. "Hey? You okay?" He said raising his eyebrows. "Yup, yeah" I said giving him a peck on the cheek. " Aqua wanted for you to go to the store and get food"  I nodded my head " sure" I said. He smiled and went back to the kitchen. I going to try and keep a positive attitude but I don't think I can hold on this anger any longer.

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