Chapter 3

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Lindsey's pov

I woke up with my alarm ringing in my ear. I quickly turned it off before my ears started bleeding. I must have not heard it when it first rang.

I realized instantly that I had to go to school. I dragged myself out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

My tooth brush was still wet from last night so I grabbed it without thinking. I totally forgot that I was supposed to not touch water but I did anyway. I felt my tail forming and splat!! I hit the floor hard and cold.

My stomach was touching the floor and behind me was my tail and I was holding the tooth brush. I quickly grabbed the towel, drying the tooth brush first, then dried myself off. When I transformed back I went back to brushing my teeth. After that I went to my closet and picked something out.

Changed and curled my hair. I didn't put on any makeup because I knew I would probably cry since it's my first day going to school without my dad.

I didn't really smile today. I had a very straight face. I walked downstairs I went past my moms bedroom, her door was shut. Usually she has work early in the morning but she is really sad. I don't expect her to get over it really fast . It will take us a long time to sinc everything in.

I grabbed a granola bar and some orange juice and silently ate. I heard someone knock on the screen door that was letting is warm sea air. It was Henry and Justin ready to walk with me to school. I let them in and went to get my bag. They looked really concerned. I just had a straight face. the whole way to school I was silent even the boys.

I wouldn't blame them I mean they have known my dad since we became friends. They must have been really scared because they were really quiet.

When we got to school Kaitlyn came up to me when I said bye to Justin and Henry then I told Kaitlyn about this morning when I turned into a fish.

After school I told the boys and Kaitlyn I were going to walk by myself . I really need some time to myself I have had a hard day. I walked down to the beach and sat in the sand. I looked at the water I thought about my dad and how much I loved him. A couple of tears fell from cheek, I wiped them away.

I thought about how I'm going to be a fish for the rest of my life, so I thought I need to at least be comfortable with being one. No one was around so I dove into the warm ocean water.

My tail formed as I rose up. I guess my tail was pretty cool I used to think it was slimy but it's shimmery in the water. I never realized how pretty the ocean was, with all the beautiful corals.

As I went under it was hard to move my tail at first but then I got used to it. Moving underwater along the corals felt so peaceful I felt like nothing in the world existed except me and the ocean. I didn't think it was that long until I put my head out of the water. It was dark out and I had swam miles.

When I got back I crawled on the shore and dried off. I looked at my phone it was 11:23 and I had 7 missed calls 3 from Kaitlyn and 4 from Henry and Justin. They must have been really worried.

I finally walked home, I saw Justin's bedroom light on. so I crawled through his window. "Lindsey, there you are!" He said.

"Are you okay? Where have you been?" " I'm fine" I say as I crawl into his bed. " why are you so tired?" "Long story " I say weakly.

"you sleeping here tonight?" "Can I?" "Yeah sure". He crawls in the bed next to me. I lay my head on his shoulder and sleep takes ahold of me.
I am so sorry I haven't written in forever so sorry I was really busy .

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