Chapter 30

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Lindsey's pov

I ran to my room crying, I heard someone running after me. I sat on my bed crying and Justin came running and stopped at the doorway. He put on his sad and comforting face on. He opened his arms out to me and I nodded. He wrapped his arms around me. "Why are they being like this" He asked i sniffled "Serena gave them a potion to turn against me" I said wiping my tears away. He loosened his arms and his sad expression went into a mad expression. "Seriously I thought we were done with her" he said. "I wish we could just lock her up" there was a pause. I had a big smirk on my face "Maybe we can" I said. Justin's eyes widened "wow I've never seen you this way,locking her up? Locking her up! Lindsey your a genius" he said. "You finally got it".

The next day I left a little early before Aqua so that we wouldn't have to walk to school together. Plus I was meeting up with Justin. I quickly put on a teal Pink tank top, shorts, and sandals on. I put my long hair into a loose fish tail. I grabbed my bag and phone. I walked across the street to Justin's house. I opened the door. Justin's mom was making breakfast. I sat down in one of the bar stools. "Hello Lindsey" "Hi!" I said

"Justin!" She called. He came into the kitchen shirtless with his toothbrush in his hand. He looked at his mom then at me and froze. "Your early" he said I smirked. "Mom I can't figure out what to wear" "well let Lindsey help you she has good tastes in fashion" she said. "Fine" he said I hopped off the stool and followed Justin. He opened the door, I walked in and he shut the door and I picked out a shirt for him. I threw it to him and sat on his bed.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" I asked while he put on his shirt. "Trust me it will". He sat on the bed "you know the plan right" I nodded my head. "I mean what if she brings like some knife or a potion-" He grabbed my hand "Its going to be okay." I stared into his hazel eyes and he stared into my blue eyes. He leaned in and his lips touched mine. He finally pulled away. I got up "what, no Justin you're with Aqua and I'm with Henry." I walked to the door". "Aqua doesn't matter right now"

I turned around. He started to kiss my neck I pulled away. "Justin come on I have known you since kindergarten we are friends remember, you know we have been down this road before, and we can't go down it again." "I know" "I love you as a friend and all but seriously". He sighed "one last kiss" he said. For some reason I didn't want just one kiss.

I kissed him on the lips then I have no idea what happened but we ended up on his bed with his and my shirt off making out. We got up and I put my shirt back on. He didn't put his on yet he grabbed my waist and kissed my roughly, I wrapped my legs around him but then I stopped. He put his shirt back on. I started to walk out the door. "That was it" I said playfully. He laughed and I smiled.

We both walked to school, once we got into school I knew what I had to do. Justin nodded to me and I did the same thing to him before we went our separate ways. I walked to my locker, I saw Serena walking down the hallway. I pulled her into the girls bathroom. "What the- oh what do you want?" " I want you to meet me at the rocks after school underwater" "what are you talking about I took your powers." " I am prepared to make a deal". "You give me my powers now and when we meet at the rocks we will fight only will our powers, If you win you can take my powers away for good, If I win you give me the antidote to the spell on my friends and you leave them alone." I said.

"And what makes you think I want to leave your friends alone." "I swear to god Serena if you hurt my friends I will kill you will my bear hands." I said. "Fine, here" she said handing me the bottle with my powers inside. I grabbed the bottle. "The rocks, alone, nothing but our powers or else no deal." I walked away as the bell rang for class.

The bell rang and I ran to my locker to get me bag. I got my bag and ran to go find Justin. I walked outside. "Lindsey! Did you get it?" Called Justin I nodded. "Come on let's go" we both ran to my house.

We ran to the chamber entrance I opened my bag and took out the bottle. I looked at the recipe. "I finally finished!" I called to Justin. We both ran to the pool. "Are you sure you want to do this" he nodded. I picked up the two bottles. The pink one is my powers and the green one is Henry's. Yes I am going to turn Justin into a mermaid. Justin jumped into the pool. I poured the green mixture into the pool. Boom! Justin was a mermaid. I poured the pink mixture onto me and jumped into the pool. I helped Justin get used to swimming around and then we were off.

We swam to the rocks Justin hid behind some coral. I swam into the large over head cave. I waited for Serena to show up. Finally she swam in. "hm you really do keep your promises". I used my powers to push her back out into the open water. "Oh so you want to play like that" she said. I felt a sudden force on my throat, it was rising me up then the force was gone and I fell on the stone bottom. We kept using our powers on each other. To be honest she was really winning. She finally used her powers to send my back onto the floor. she swam over to me. "I am finally going to finish you" she said holding up her hand. "Think again Serena" I used my powers and slammed her against the wall. "NOW!!" I yelled. Justin shut the metal door on the first side of the cave. I swam to the other end and shut the door. Both of them were locked. Justin and I high fives each other. Serena swam to the metal door and shook it. "Noo!" we smiled. "Now give us the antidote to the spell." She rolled her eyes. "Best Friends reunited" "thank you". Justin and I swam away.

We trapped Serena in the cave witch was really an old jail cell by The Rocks. We had finally gotten rid of her.

When we got back to the house I slammed the door Henry and Aqua were doing homework. "Best Friends Reunited" they both started to glow then it stopped. "Lindsey? what's going on" I hugged Aqua. "Lindsey!" I hugged Henry. Every body hugged everyone I even hugged Justin but it was sort of awkward. "I can't believe you guys got rid of Serena and Justin is a mermaid!!" Henry said. "Lindsey I am so sorry for everything I said" it's okay, I know you didn't mean it". "Henry I need to talk to you alone" I lead him out onto the sand. "Henry I met with your father the other day and he told me that my dad is your dads brother" "what! that would make us cousins!"

Aquas pov

Justin and I were standing on the beach with the wind rolling through our hair. "Justin I need to tell you something" "well before I met you I was seeing someone" Justin looked at me. "His name is Matt and he lives underwater, and I think that we should break up". Justin nodded. "Yeah I think that would be best for everyone" I smiled. "But Aqua I sort of cheated on you too" my eyes widened. "I kissed someone today and maybe sort of made out with her, but we are even right I mean we both cheated on each other." "Yeah I guess you're right" "friends?" "Friends." " Justin, just out of curiosity who did you make out with?" everything got quiet. "...Lindsey" He said. "What!" I said sort of playfully. But I wasn't that surprised. "You do know that she is breaking up with Henry right know" he looked at me "why" " her dad is my dads brother, I am her cousin which would make-" "Henry be her cousin too, wow". "This is pretty messed up stuff we are dealing with" Justin said I laughed.

Lindsey's pov

Henry and I talked it over and it's official we are broken up. But we are both okay with it so we are just friends. We both walked over to where Aqua and Justin were standing. "did you guys break up?" Asked Aqua I nodded my head. "We broke up too" my head shot up. "what?" "Well I was actually dating a guy that lives in my kingdom, and Justin kis-" I shook my head and mouthed the words no. "and um Justin agreed that we should break up"I really didn't want Henry to know that I made out with his best friend. Justin looked at me he smiled at me and I smiled back

Hey guys so I am going to update tomorrow. I love this chapter so much I think it is the best one I have done!😇😊 btw thank you guys so much for 700 reads keep commenting!👍🏻

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