Chapter 25

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Lindsey's pov

The wall started to move I got really scared, it looked like it wasn't opened in a while. I bright light turned on in the small space. I walked in then the room became light but there were no lights. There were two hallways, the walls were stone and so was the floor. I walked down the second tunnel. Everything was brightly lighted, when I went down the second tunnel it lead into a big room. There were pearls and jewels and everything was so cool. It looked like a mermaid chamber.

There were little steps leading into a cool little couch, well it was just the stone and then they put pillows on it. There was a big table in the middle sort of like a coffee table for a living room. The little living room was basically a circular shape. In the corner of the circle there were steps that lead to a little rectangular place. There was a big table with lots of bottles on it, I'm guessing this is the potion area.

Then there were steps on the other side leading back to the stairs to the living room. Everywhere there were baskets, gold objects, ship models. I walked back up to the tunnel that I had come from, I saw a hallway across from the little set of stairs. I walked down it. There on the side stood a humongous safe. It had a nossel with numbers on it. I guess the number 5-7-2 since that was the storage locker number. Surprisingly it worked! I heard the lock unlock and it swung open. Inside was a big fork like thing and it had a blue stone in the middle. I think I read it in a book it's a... a trident! I shut the door and locked it. I swam out of the hall confused on why would it be here wouldn't it be like with the king, then I forgot about the first tunnel.

I went down the tunnel it lead to a pool of clear blue water, it looked like it had tunnel leading somewhere. On the edges of the pool there were rock, and in side the pool there were stumps for I guess for sitting. I had to find out where it lead to, I jumped into the pool. I swam through the clearly lit tunnel it lead to a beautiful coral reef spot. I swam to the top of the water a poked my head up. It lead to the ocean I could sea the shore from where I was. I swam back to the pool and sat on a little stump. I ran my hand on the rock bench. I saw something, it looked sort of like a shell. I picked it up it was a sort of shell but on the inside it had little spikes. I didn't know what it was so I decided to ask Aqua about when I showed her.

I helped myself get out and dried off with a towel on a nearby rock. Once I dried off I brushed off my shorts and I walked back up the lighted rock hall. I got back outside and pushed the button. The wall moved back to its original spot. I ran up the steps to go get everyone and show them.

I ran inside Henry and Aqua were sitting on the couch on their phones. "Guys I have to show you something!" I said tugging on both of their arms. "Can it wait, I'm about to get to level 67" Henry wined. "No you guys have to come here now!!" I shouted. "Okay okay" they both finally said.

I dragged them both down the pool, and to the other side of the house. I brought them to the wall. "Seriously Lindsey this is what you wanted to show us" Aqua said. I laughed so hard because she really didn't know what was on the other side. " Why are you laughing" Aqua said. I reached over and pressed the button and the wall started to move. They sort of jumped a little. Once it opened I looked at Aqua "oh I see what you were laughing at" Aqua said I giggled. I lead them into the second tunnel, when we got to the room their faces we absolutely amazed. "Whoa" Henry said "this is so cool" Aqua said looking around. Henry laid on the couch and Aqua looked at all the potions. "Wow this place has some pretty rare potions." she said intrigued. "You guys haven't seen the half of it" I said going back up to the first tunnel, they followed.

We got to the pool and Aqua was so amazed "this pool, yeah it leads to the ocean" I said "are you serious" Henry said I nodded my head. "Well then let's take a swim" Henry said we dove into the pool and swam through the tunnel. We all reached the surface "Okay guys lets play hide and go seek underwater, so rule you can use any kind of power you want can't swim more than 36 feet, plus it will be fun there are so many corals to hide by." Aqua said we all nodded "Henry is it" Aqua and I said going under so he can't argue with us. I could hear Henry counting, I quickly swam to a huge clump of corals. "30!" I heard Henry say I peeked behind the corals he was going towards Aqua bust she use her invisible powers.

Henry started coming closer to this side of the coral. I moved to the other side not noticing he was coming right for me. I use my powers to make lots of bubbles so he wouldn't see me and I could get away. I swam for the pool I reached the surface and Aqua was sitting there use the shell thingy mobob. "What is that?" "This, oh it's a brush for mermaids" "that's so cool" I picked up a goldish shell one and started brushing my hair. "Each mermaid has their own" "so what do you think this place is" "well it was defiantly built by mermaids and mermaids obviously came here. Henry came up and sat down "found you guys" he said we smiled. "This is so cool this can be our place to hang out" Henry said and we all agreed.

After we dried off we went back to the second tunnel. "oh Aqua I have to show you something" I lead her over to the big safe. I dialed the numbers and it opened. "so why is this here" Aqua looked sort of surprised "I have.. no idea." "I didn't know there were 2" Aqua said.

We swam to the kingdom and to the palace. The queen rushed out "mom" Aqua said swimming to hug her "honey you father.. he is not doing so well" my eyes widened and so did Aquas and Henrys they rushed into the palace the queen followed then and so did I. The king was laying on a bed, he looked really ill. "dad are you okay" "no Aqua I'm not I have been sick for a while now" he said hoarsely. "When were you going to tell me this" " I told Lindsey-" "wait you knew and you didn't tell me" " I couldn't I didn't want to upset you". "Well you did" she said swimming away crying.

Okay so for me the last day of school is tomorrow and I will update this summer but I will give you guys a heads up when I won't be updating. Follow my friends singactstage , satsiaTasia , and twdslaysssss. 😊☺️📱

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