Chapter 20

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Lindsey's pov
I gasped as Henry hit the floor "what how are you- you're a merman!!!!!!?" "ahh what the!!" He screamed. "shh" Aqua said "how did this happen!?" I asked "I don't know" he said Aqua had a terrified face.

Kaitlyn was talking to Henry on the deck about how this happened while we were pacing back and forth biting our fingernails nervously. We were all asking questions and Henry couldn't answer any of them. "The last person I remember was Lindsey" "great so you think it's me" "well" he said. I sat down on a chair amazed at what he just said.

"Wait a second- u remember- there's our answer his memory was wiped." Aqua said. "You can do that?" "Yeah there are so many potions that mermaids use to do that". "Okay so who did it" I said "I don't know" Aqua said "but whoever did it has access to mermaid potions" she said.

"Serena" I said "she did this" "how do you know" Aqua said. "well that does sound like her" Kaitlyn said. "Can I talk to you" Aqua said "sure" I said. she pulled me into the house. "What wrong" I asked "this is bad" "why I mean we can change him back its not that big of a deal right?" "It's an even bigger deal" she said. "what is it spit it out" "his hair and his tail" "what's wrong with his hair and his tail?" I asked innocently. "You haven't noticed, the color" my eyes widened. "They didn't change color, he still has his same hair color and his tail that's the normal color (blue)." she said "what does this mean" "I don't know but I'm worried" Aqua said.

"We're going to go look for evidence that Serena did it" I said to Henry and Kaitlyn. "Okay call us if you find something" "we can't really call" we said "why not". "We are going swimming" "oh okay be careful". "We will" we said walking out the door.

We jumped in the water and swam off to Serena's grotto. Since I was the only one who knew where it was I lead the way. We got to the entrance and swam in. It was dark but as we got to the cave part it brightened a purple light. There was a big cauldron in the middle, cabinets all along the walls, and potions and books out, which looked like she was working on something. After we looked around we found a book opened to a page "forgetful potion". "She did this" Aqua said "yeah I did" said a familiar voice.

We turned around it was Serena she slowly swam out of a dark spot I the room. "I knew you would be here" she said. "why would you do this" "isn't it obvious" she said "not really". "Oh you guys haven't figured it out yet." she snickered. " don't you see he is the chosen one" "what" I asked. "You heard me" I looked at Aqua she had a scared face on. "I heard you just what is it" "he is the real ruler of this kingdom"

"I knew he was the chosen one from the minute I saw him" "how- how do you know he is the chosen one" Aqua said "the scar on his ear" she boasted. Aqua swam out I followed her "Aqua what's wrong" "Everything!" She shouted. "My whole past has been a lie my dad isn't really the ruler of this kingdom he's a fake instead of him an 18 year old is really the ruler!" "Aqua it's okay this may not be true." She looked at me with tears in her eyes and swam to hug me. We swam to the kingdoms sorcerer. "how can I help you" he said with a smile "is my father the real ruler of this kingdom?" His smile dropped.

Okay guys I will update tomorrow comment please!! 😊

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