Chapter 48

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Lindsey pov
I sat in the uncomfortable chair biting my nails with dried tears on my cheek. Alex was sitting in a chair in front of me tied up. He fluttered his eyes, "whhat what's going on why am I tied up, Lindsey?" He said.

I kept biting my nails, "you have some explaining to do mister" Aqua said. "Just untie me and I can tell you whatever you want" he said.

Aqua looked at me, I nodded. Aqua untied Alex, "okay what do you want to know?" He asked.

I stood up, "I want to know why we are so alike, I want to know why we have the same color tail, and why it's such a coincidence that both our parents are dead and we both found a lost sibling!" I said.

"Oh and that there is a a page in this book that says dark magic and good magic are meant to be together?!" I said.

"Look Lindsey I came here to kill you because you had dark magic, my kingdom wouldn't allow such things, but I learned that you had dark magic and we were supposed to be together I couldn't kill you, then I saw that your dark magic was gone and you have good magic" he said.

"So what does that mean?" I asked. "It means
that a long time ago dark magic people and good magic people were never supposed to be together only good magic and another good magic person, the population was supposed to live on but it never did, which brings us into this" he said.

"Wait so if I have good magic now and you have good magic what does that mean!" I said.

"It means that forces are bringing us together because there is no one left in the world who has good or bad magic only us" he said.

"What?! So the universe is bringing us together so we can complete this curse thingy" I asked.

"Lindsey the universe is bringing us together so that we will marry each other and finish what was started, it will stop all this!" He said.

"Stop what!?" " it will stop all the badness, think about it ever since you became.a mermaid so many bad things have happened, once we are married all of that will stop, but now that we are closer the darkness will spread, we have until you are 20 years old!" He said.

"Lindsey we were meant to be together, admit it you never loved any of your boyfriends there was always a part missing and now that you met me that part is filled." He said.

"No your wrong I loved them and I got torn away from then because of this curse!" I said crying.

I stumbled on the chair and buried my head into my hands. "Admit it you were in love with me the first moment we met!" He said.

I looked up at him "no I won't admit it because it's not true!" I screamed while running out of the room. It was pitch black out side, I ran to the balcony and my tears rolled down my cheek.

I heard the door closed, "go away Alex" I said "no" he said taking my hand and turning me around. "Just admit it Lindsey, it's okay" he said stepping closer.

I knew I was in love with him but I couldn't admit it. I couldn't say that because I loved Carter and it was like I was betraying him. There is one part of me that just wants to run away but the other part just wants me to kiss him.

He was so close to me right now I could feel his breath on me. I looked up at him in the darkness. "You know part of me really wants to kiss you right now but the other part just wants to run" I said "then kiss me" he said. "But first I have to admit something,... I'm in love with you Alex" I said as I kissed his warm lips. It was a fairly long kiss, then we finally pulled away and I rested my nose on his. "Goodnight Lindsey" he said "goodnight Alex" I said letting go of his hand.

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