Chapter 14

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Aquas Point of view
I helped Lindsey through the currents and to the Kingdom. While we were swimming I noticed damage to the corals and some dead fish but I don't know if Lindsey noticed too.

We finally got to the Kingdom which was destroyed. I hid Lindsey and I behind a rock just to make sure there weren't any "sharks". Half of the Palace was gone most of the houses were destroyed that made me think of my parents, I wonder if they were still alive. But I had to save Lindsey. Her tail began to change color "stage 5" I said under my breath. I couldn't keep carrying Lindsey around when there are "Sharks" around I needed to put her somewhere but fast.

I hid her in a cave nearby. I swam off making sure no one saw me. I swam to my house the furniture was destroyed downstairs. But up stairs in my bedroom every thing was where it was before. My beautiful dresser that my dad made for me when I was a little mermaid. I saw my brush that mom had made for me. I picked it up and started to brush my hair I looked in the mirror and I saw something in the corner behind a curtain it was a tail. I pulled it out, It was my mother cold and dead.

I was careful not to scream I cupped my hands over my mouth. I was in shock I had never wanted to see my mother like this. She was in a pile of dry blood and she was shot and had dry blood on her stomach. Her tail and her hair was black which is the color when your dead.

I swam out and started to cry but then I remember I had to stay out of sight. I was caught the Sharks were behind me. They grabbed my arm and I screamed "Wait you don't understand my friend is dying from mermaid sickness please let me go!!!!" But they didn't budge they just at tightened their grip. They brought me to the dark dark jail.

I noticed some criminals that my parents had thrown in there because of bad things but some people I had never seen before they looked like innocent people. Then I saw a familiar face It was my father we passed by his cell "DAD LET ME GO PLEASE MY FRIEND IS DYING PLEASE WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!!!!" I escaped from the guards grips and I swam super fast to my dads cell

"Dad you have to help me Lindsey is dying and I have to help her!!!" "Honey there is nothing I can do its out of my hands." he said still looking at the ground looking sad like he had no power. They grabbed my hands again and pulled me into the cell across from my fathers.

   The guards left and I was there crying because there was no way Lindsey was going to survive. She was going to die because of me what were Henry and Justin going to say better yet how will I explain this to her mother. She has already lost her husband now her daughter. I have already lost my mother and my father doesn't  even know about it. The kingdom was dying people were dying. 

   I noticed they had not taken away my powers I could use them to escape and save Lindsey. I used my powers to move the lock from inside and slide it to the other side. I was out I used my invisibility powers and carfuly closed the cell door. I swam so fast I couldn't breathe. I finally reached Lindsey.

  "Noo no, Lindsey please wake up!" I said crying to her but I was too late her tail and hair were black. She was gone.

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