Chapter 21

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   Aquas pov
"Look," he said "I'm not allowed to give out that information" he said. I nearly exploded as I stormed out of the palace with Lindsey following me. "Lindsey go on land and get Henry to get the hell down here." "Aqua what ever you are-" "just do it please" I said. She swam off.

  Lindsey's pov
I swam off quickly, I know Aqua was upset and I think that madness messes with her emotions a little bit. I got I the shore and called Henry to meet me down here. He finally arrived "Look Henry I can't explain everything right now you just have to trust me" he nodded his head he knew that he had to get in the water. We both walked into the water. Our tails transformed I took his hand and lead him under water. I guided him along and eventually he got used to it. We swam to where Aqua was sitting, on the palace steps. Aqua looked  at Henry with displeasure. "Ok Aqua why did you want Henry to come all the way down here." I said she stormed off into the palace. "What's with her" "period" I said sarcastically.

  Aquas pov
I stormed into the palace where my mother and father were sitting at their desks. "Mother, Father I need you to come with me" I said hiding my anger. They swam out with me. When we got outside the palace they both saw Henry and looked nervous. I was confused. "Mom dad do you know who this is"  I said. "Aqua-" my father said. "No I asked you a question don't Aqua me." "Aqua who do you think this is" "hmm let me see I think this is the real ruler of the kingdom." Henry's face looked confused. "Aqua you have got this all wrong" "have I" "Yes you have". "Wait a second I swam up to my fathers ear he had the scar I was confused, I swam over to Henry's ear it had the same scar. My face softened "Aqua we wanted to tell you sooner" "tell me what" I said so confused so was Henry. "Aqua- this is your brother" he said nodding towards Henry. My whole world collapsed.

Okay so I said I was going to update tomorrow witch I still am but I was so excited about this chapter I had to update. 😊😊😊.

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