Chapter 43

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Jacks pov
I was so scared, Percy had put me in an under water cell and it sucked! Usually his minions and his sister would pass to check up on me. But I couldn't convince them. The only things I figured out while I was there was the 3 girls were like under his spell. Second the ring he wanted was very powerful and he wants it really badly. Third most of the palace was destroyed and the mermaids fled. I had no idea where the king and queen were. Probably getting tortured by the piece of crap right here. I wish Lindsey would hurry it up!

Lindsey's pov
We have all been up all night long trying to find the ring. We literally tore the chamber apart. I finally took a break and went up to the kitchen. I mean it's pretty hard to find a listeriosis ring that we have never seen in our lives and my brothers life is depending on it.

It occurred to me that maybe the ring was on the main floor of the house but where? I walked upstairs and as I passed the fifth step it creaked. I kept walking up the long staircase but then I stopped. I turned around and walked back downstairs. I stepped on the step that creaked and sat down on the steps. I tried lifting the step but it was no use the step wouldn't budge. I knew there was something inside but I didn't know how to get to it.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a knob, it blended in with the wooden part of the staircase. I turned it, nothing happened, I pressed it, the stair pops up. I lift it up and set it next to me. It was like a a big rectangular box, it had a roll of cash, passports, then a box. It was locked with a padlock with numbers. I thought hard what could it be, my birthday! I put it in and it opened. There was a scroll rolled up and the ring was set around it.

I found it! "Guys I found it!!" They all came rushing upstairs and trying to find me. "In here" I called "look." The ring had a beautiful greenish bluish jem it sort of looked like the color of my tail. Around the jem was the ring part and it looked like a mermaid tail which if you put it on it would be around your finger. I removed the scroll, it looked like it was really old. I gave it to Aqua so she could read it.

"Oh my god" she said "this ring has unlimited dark magic, he's going to use it and destroy everything!"

Everyone was pacing back and forth " if we give it to Percy then he will kill all of us, but if we don't we will lose Jack!" "There is a way to reverse the dark magic into good magic" "great lets do it" "but the page it doesn't continue the symbols are ripped away!" "Ugh I need a swim!" " Don't you think that's a little risky" " don't worry I won't be anywhere near him" I said heading out the door.

I jumped into the warm salty water, I swam to my cave. I broke the surface and laid on my back. I haven't been here in a long time. Looked on the walls. There were these weird symbols on the wall I have no idea what they mean. One symbol was a person then a symbol of blood another one of a dagger that I had see before in the chamber, then the next symbol made me get up and made my eyes go back and forth. I rolled over and darted towards the tunnel. I swam so fast I couldn't see what was beside me. I got out of the water and ran to the house.

I opened the door and ran to the chamber and dug through stuff to find the dagger. "What the hell!" Henry said. I found it and raced upstairs with Henry following me. Everyone was alarmed now. I grabbed a pot from the kitchen cabinet and set it on the table. I reached for the dagger and slit my wrist. "Lindsey what the hell!" Carter said. I squeezed the blood into the pot and gasped of pain. I grabbed the ring and dropped it into the pot. Next I had to put my dark magic into the pot. I flashed my powers in a bottle and poured it in the pot. "Lindsey.." Aqua said. Then the ingredients mixed together. I quickly grabbed the box where we found the ring and rushed back. I felt a rush of power in my system and it felt amazing. The pot flashed and I grabbed the box. The dark liquid poured out and I caught it in the box. I slammed in shut and locked it. I sighed and stood back and watched all there faces drop.

"What did you just do?" Aqua asked. "I just trapped all my dark magic in this box and now my magic is good" I said smiling and almost crying. Carter hugged me and kissed my forehead "you are so brave" I blushed Aqua and Henry made gaging noises. We all laughed "so now what Percy still wants the ring" "so we give it to him, it has no power anymore " we discussed a plan and we went to the chamber to get suited up.

I grabbed the dagger and the ring and we swam away.

I saw Percy and his minions waiting for us. Aqua and Henry were going to go around and let Jack out then Carter and I would give Percy the ring.

Carter and I swam up to him while Aqua and Henry swam quickly to where they were keeping Jack.

Aquas pov
Henry and I swam to the cells and looked for Jack and finally found him. We let him out but he was really weak he needed food.

Lindsey's pov
"Ah Lindsey do you have my ring!" I held it up and dropped it in his hand. He put it on and when he did that I think my heart skipped a beat. He looked like he was waiting for something but whatever he was waiting for didn't come. He looked at it and looked at me "you tricked me" he said and he glanced over to Jack, Henry and Aqua swimming away. He was about to go after them but I pulled out my dagger. "I wouldn't do that" " you know I have always why everyone tries to take everything away from me, and today I defiantly stopped it so I am not going to let you ruin it anymore" I yelled and stabbed the knife in his stomach. He opened his mouth and fell. The minions lurched forward but then they shook their heads. "You saved us!" "You broke the spell by killing my brother" Anastasia said.

We all went back to my house and we got to know the other girls. They were really nice and we laughed all night. I have 5 extra bedrooms and so we let them stay here because they had no where else to go. I snuck into Carters room, we kissed,a lot, but we decided to wait a while to have sex again. We finally settled down and I snuggled next to him.

Hey guys hope you like it!!! Comment and vote please!!!!


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