Chapter 34

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Lindsey's pov

I sat up suddenly, it was 12:56. I couldn't go back to sleep. I kept feeling this force pulling inside me, I was trying to fight it but I couldn't so I got up and went where the force wanted me to go.

I walked outside on the sand, I felt the force pulling me towards the dark blue water. I ran and dove into the cold water. I swam way out until the force stopped. I popped my head up, I saw a boat with a sail and a older looking boy. He looked a couple years older than me (I'm 18). I swam closer but not too close. He was bending down and a huge rod was under his head from the sail. He finally stood up but he hit his head on the rod. He was out in a second, he fell to the water. I swam quickly and saved him. I had no idea what to do with him. So I swam to the closest deserted island and laid him on the sand. I also pulled his boat all the way to the island. I was so tired I didn't think I could swim home. But I swam home anyway.

I finally woke up with Aqua shaking me "wake up, its 11:00" she yelled. I sat up, I groaned, I was so sore from pulling him and the boat to shore. I walked to the kitchen and ate breakfast. I sat down thinking why that force I was feeling brought me to him. I finally snapped out of it and went to get dressed. I heard the door shut, it was Justin, he came into my bedroom and shut the door. "Hey" he said putting his lips on mine. he started to get ruff but I stopped him. "Hey why did you stop" "I not really in the mood" I said. I was mainly not I the mood because I was so sore. Justin frowned "ok" he said in a pouty face. He left my room.

I really needed a walk, so I went outside and walked along the beach. I saw a guy running with his shirt off, he was working out. When he got closer I realized it was the guy who I had saved. He was cute too, he had big muscles but not to big and he had dark brown hair. I started to walk quicker. "Hey" he said he said. I turned around "hi" I said. "Do I know you, you look familiar" he said. come to think of it he did look familiar to me too but not just because I saw him last night. "Nope, I think you must have the wrong girl." "I'm Jack" "I'm Lindsey" I said. He walked closer to me. "See ya around" he said running off.

I walked back home, I really needed to know more about him. I walked inside seeing Aqua rummaging through the fridge. "Oh Lindsey can you go to the store we need more of...everything" she said. "Sure" I said grabbing my bag. I got out my keys and drove to the grocery store. I was picking out fruit when someone called my name."Lindsey!" I turned around, it was Jack "oh hi!" I said. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Just getting some food" he said I smiled. "I saw you had a boat" I said "yeah I just got back from a coarse over seas, and I came back to finish the coarse" "wow, so your in college right" I asked he nodded. "Are you graduating this year?" "No I am not but next year I am" "yeah I am graduating high school this year" "wow!"he said. "Hey do you want to get coffee or something, you can tell me a little bit more about yourself." he said "sure" "how about we meet at Starbucks in an hour" "ok see you then" I said.

I went home and dropped the groceries off and walked to Starbucks. I sat down and 2min later Jack showed up. "hey" he said sitting down. "hey"I said.

L - Lindsey talking. J - Jack talking

L- so where did you grow up?
J-I grew up here
L- me too
J- so what's your story, everyone has a story
L- well I grew up here and I like to swim and yeah not much of a story
L- what's your story
J- well I grew up here....and um when I was six I ran away, and some other people took care of me and yeah just recently I found my parents again and yeah.
L- I'm really sorry
J- yeah they both died recently
My eyes shot open
L- um just out of curiosity when exactly did your parents die
J- well my dad died a few months ago and my mom died a couple weeks ago.
L- do you know what from
J- they died from cancer
L- um you know what I just remembered I have to go I have to do something me homework
J- ok bye

I stood up and walked away wiping the tears from my eyes. I literally felt like I was going to pass out. I ran home and ran into Aquas room looking for the memory books that had all of the pictures from my childhood. Aqua came in "what are you doing she yelled. "where are those a memory books." I yelled. "In the attic" she said "why". I ran upstairs to the attic. I looked through the memory books but no pictures of Jack. I started to cry when I looked in the corner of the room where the box of memory books were. I moved the box and there was a book labeled Jack.

Hey guys I know I left you with a cliffhanger but I promise I will update tomorrow but not Wednesday I am getting fitted for braces!! Comment!!!

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