Chapter 46

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Lindsey pov

I dragged my suitcase into my car and shut the truck. I saw out of the corner of my eye Amber walking towards my house. I sighed and shut my trunk very loudly. "Well someones in a bad mood, I wonder why?" She snickered. "Just go Amber, what are you even doing here anyway" I asked "oh I'm just here to see my new boyfriend!" She said my blood was boiling now. I couldn't take her anymore so I used my magic to flash her away. Hopefully she won't notice and she won't end up in water like last time with...Carter.

I went inside and called for everyone to get going. Aqua packed her car with Brandon, Caroline, and Chandlers stuff. Henry's car had Lily, Anastasia, and Liam's stuff. Although Aqua wasn't driving her car she insisted on riding with me and comforting me. When we all piled into the car I saw Carter sitting on the doorstep. I looked at him and grabbed the buckle to my seat belt and put it on. I had already said goodbye to Jack yesterday when he left. I turned on the car and drove away. I can't BELIVE I was doing this.

We finally got to the airport and parked our cars. After having our bags checked we went to our gate and got some food. It was time to board our 7 hour flight. I sat by my self because I think the girls wanted to sit with their boyfriends. I set my pillow behind my head and images of Carter raced through my mind and then I drifted to sleep.

Carters pov
I can't believe they really left. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I hoped it was Lindsey but it wasn't, it was Amber. I picked it up "what do you want?" I asked angrily. "Carter...I need your help..I don't know what happened.. I-I-I need you to come to the beach along the rocks!" She stuttered. I suddenly became very scared.

I rushed down to the rocks only to see Amber laying on a small part of sand and water in full mermaid form. "No noooo noooo!" I yelled "you are kidding me!" I yelled. "Carter help me" "I can't" I said "what do mean you can't help me." She said. "Your wet" I said " so just help me it's just water!" She yelled "Amber I can't because I'm one too!" I finally said. She stared at me "you mean you are a fish?" She asked quietly. "How did this happen to you?!" "I don't know I was talking to Lindsey and then the next thing you know I'm a fish in water" she said. "Ugh!!! Damnit Lindsey" "wait she is one too!?" She said. I nodded my head, I used what little power I have to dry Amber off.

"How did you do that!?" "Magic" I said "no seriously Carter" she said "I'm not joking mermaids have magic" I said. "We have a lot to talk about" I said as I sat down on one of the huge rocks and Amber sat next to me. "So Aqua, Henry, Lily, Caroline, Anastasia, and Justin.. He used to." "Justin he's dead right?" She asked "yeah a bad mermaid named Serena killed him" "thought-" she said "that's what you thought" I said "anyway I got turned into this like you did Lindsey and I were in a fire and she flashed me out of there and I changed" I said. "So can I do that flashing thingy" she said "no Lindsey has what used to be dark magic but now it's good magic and she has incredible power" I said looking down. "So when ever I touch water I turn into a mermaid" she said "yeah, Amber I'm really sorry about this" I said. "It's okay, now we have something in common" she said.

Lindsey's pov
I was awoken by Caroline shaking me right up because we had landed. Had I really slept for 7 hours? I gathered my stuff and we got off the plane. It was really hot when we got outside. We grabbed our bags and we needed to rent 3 cars. We got to pick out what kind of car we would get. I picked a convertible mustang, Henry picked a light blue jeep, and Brandon picked a BMW convertible. We got our cars and packed our suitcases inside. It was 12:00 here so we were super hungry so we went to get a bite before we went to our hotel.

After we ate we drove to the hotel. It was really cool inside. I went to the front desk with Aqua to check in. I noticed on the sign it said Mermaid service "Aqua look" I nudged her to look at the sign. We exchanged confused looks. When it was our turn i whispered into the Hawaiian guy ear " um what is the mermaid service" I asked "is your whole group mermaids and mermen" he asked I was surprised at this " um well-" Aqua started "yes!" I said smiling Aqua looked at me like I was crazy. He slipped us 5 room keys and a slip of paper that had an address on it. "Thank you!" I said walking away "what even are these" Aqua said "our room keys" I said while smiling and walking away. "Okay guys back in the car we are driving to our rooms" I said.

We all got into the car and drove to the address. " do you even know where we are going?" Asked Aqua. "No idea" I said, we finally arrived at a town with lots of people and a 1 mile long dock leading to 6 houses out by the water. I got out of the car and there was a sign on the dock it had the address "this can't be it" Aqua said "oh that's it alright, we get our own private dock and houses!" I said grabbing my suitcase and getting the handle and rolling it behind me. "You guys coming?" I asked. They immediately went to the trunk and pulled out their luggage.

I started to walk down the long dock to the 6 houses. I walked into the first house and saw it had a small kitchen a nice bathroom and a big sunlight bedroom with a queen sized bed. I looked out the window, I saw the beautiful clear blue ocean and small little islands scattered around with houses on each of them. I set my suitcase down on the bed and went back outside. "Ok Aqua Brandon you get this house, Lily, Henry you get this house and I think you get what I mean now. The last house was down at the end. I walked to it and saw suitcases outside the door. I walked in, there were 2 small twin beds and it looked like 2 guys were staying here. "Can I help you?" Said a voice behind me.

I turned around, I saw a really cute guy standing by the door way he had brown hair and his eyes were really dreamy Lindsey snap out of it. "Um sorry I just got here and I didn't know we had extra company" I said "let me guess you are a mermaid with all your mermaid friends" he smirked. I raised one eyebrow "ok yeah and I guess you are a merman here on vacation" I said "you could say that, I'm here with my friend Carson, he is out getting food" he said. "So what's your name?" I asked "Alex" he said smiling "I'm Lindsey" I said "that's a pretty name" he said. I blushed, "okay well I am going to unpack" I said still smiling. I walked out still blushing. I could tell he was watching me go back to my house.

I went to Aquas house to see how it was going. I knocked on the bedroom door " Aqua?" I said she popped out of the closet. "Hey Lindsey um we really need to talk about Brandon and Liam not knowing" " yeah about that, apparently there are 2 guys here on vacation and they are both merman" I said sitting on the bed. "Lindsey? That's an even bigger problem how are we going to keep this a secret?" She said. "I mean if Anastasia and Caroline want to tell them they can but its up to them not us" I said. "I know I already talked to them they said they will try but it's not going to be easy" she said.

I went back to my room and started to unpack. I hung up my clothes in the closet and put my bathroom stuff in the fairly large bathroom. I sat on my bed and picked up my phone,2 missed calls from Carter. I dropped my phone on the bed and laid back.

Anastasias pov
I knew I had to tell Liam I was a mermaid or else someone might tell him first. "Hey want to go for a swim?" I asked he smiled "yeah let's go" he said. I changed into my cute purple bikini and left my hair down. If I was going to do this I was going to do this right. I walked outside where Liam was standing at the edge of the water. "Liam there I something that I need to show you and I don't know how you are going to take it, I never want to keep this from you and that's why I am going to show you" I said " yeah you can tell me anything" he said. I nodded and took a breathe and jumped into the warm water. My tail formed and I broke the surface. "Your a...a...a ffffish!" He said " Liam I'm not a fish I'm a mermaid" I said. After calming Liam down he got in the water with me and I showed him the perks of being a mermaid. I am so glad I finally told him.

Caroline's pov
I couldn't tell Chandler now just not now soon though. We just started dating and I don't want to scare him off. Plus I have other things to worry about, he and the others can not figure out why I am really here.

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