Chapter 23

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Lindsey's pov
I looked at Aqua and Henry wide eyed while we sat on the couch. "Where the hell have you been" I mom shouted "we thought you were dead." I looked at Kaitlyn and Justin they both had worried faces on. "Look we didn't know that 2 days had past" "its dark and light Lindsey you should have known, and you guys you parents are worried sick, we called the cops!" She shouted again. "So where exactly have you 3 been?" She shouted. " took a...road trip!" "Why didn't you tell me you were taking a road trip?!" "Well it was last minute planed and we all had to get away for a while" I said "honey what ever is going on you can tell me" she said "I know" I said.

"Well I need to call the cops off" she said walking off. Aqua, Henry, Justin, Kaitlyn, and I went back to my room. We all sat on the bed. "We should have told her where we were" Henry said "but we can't, I can't stand to lie to my mom but it's for our own good." "so where have you guys been" Kaitlyn asked. "Guess" then she nodded her head "so what happened?" Justin asked Aqua was about to say something but I cut her off "nothing" I said Aqua and Henry looked at me wide eyed. I had to lied to them we already had enough to deal with I mean Aquas dad was dying and I couldn't tell her and it would upset Henry I mean he would have to rule the kingdom. I just had to keep these things under raps.

Aquas pov
When we got home Lindsey was acting sort of weird I didn't know what was going on but I think she is keeping something from me.

Henry's pov
I really didn't want to go home and face my parents. I just want to spend time with Lindsey.

Lindsey's pov
I went back to my room so did Aqua and Kaitlyn and Justin went home Henry told me he want to spend time with me. He followed me back to my room. He laid down next me on my bed. He played with my blondish brownish hair. I smiled "you're so cute" I smiled again. "Lindsey I love you" I sat up quickly he grabbed my hand ask sat in front of him "I..Love you too" I said he smiled. He kissed my lips and we returned to laying on the bed.

The next day we all went to school we saw Serena with 2 super tough big looking guys. They had gills on the side of there necks. "You don't think" I said to Aqua "yup they are sharks she turned them human to protect her I guess." she said as they passed they stared at us with angry expressions.

Later I had to come to the doctors office with my mom she was going for a check up and after she was taking me shopping. We went in and checked in. We waited a little while and then they called my moms name. I followed her. They took some blood,measured her, asked her a few questions about what she was eating, what kind of athletic activity she does. Then the doctor came in suddenly "um....Kathy I was wondering if you had had any people in your family who had cancer" I gulped "well my husband just died because of cancer." my mom said calmly.

"Oh I'm so sorry" "well we ran a blood test and we found... um some...cancer." I took a huge breathe and put my head in my hands and ruffled my hair. I looked at my mom she had no expression. "Oh um can you do some kind of treatment" "yes we can but we don't really know what could happen it could make it better or it could make it worse." " I think I need to think about this" "okay call me when you have decided." my mom nodded.

We both got into the car, both silent i let out some tears and rubbed my eyes and sniffled. My mom looked at me she put her hand on my shoulder and let out a few tears I started crying so did my mom. When we pulled up into the driveway I got out silently with my face red and dry tears on my cheeks. We didn't speak a word the whole car ride. I slammed the car door "honey I'm going to be fine" "and what if your not!!!!" I shouted enough for Aqua and Henry to come out side. "Honey" i started crying again with Aqua and Henry watching with confused faces. I crouched down on the floor and let the tears fall off my face my mom came over to me and helped me up she was crying too she pulled me into a hug.

"I'll be fine" she said sniffling. I nodded my head Aqua came over to me "what's wrong" I closed my eyes and wiped my tears away, and put my hand into my hair. "My mom....has....cancer" I said crying as Aqua pulled me into a hug and Henry coming over to hug me.

I laid on my bed with a picture of my family in my hand. I closed my eyes and imagined my family playing on the beach, I smiled but realized it was just a dream.

One week later

It had been a week since I found out my mom had cancer and she confirmed to the treatment. In two days she would have to have surgery. I walked into the office where my mom was sitting. I walked up behind her and rubbed her shoulders "what are you doing" I asked looking at the price of paper that was in front of her "are you making you will!?" "Mom you are going to be fine" "and what if I'm not" things got silent. "Honey I'm doing this for you if anything was to happen to me."

2 days later

I was driving my mom to the hospital to get her operation done. I walked her in and she checked her self in. I have my mom a kiss and a hug before letting her go into the operation room. I walked back to my car it would take a while for them to do the operation,so I drove to Henrys house. I sat on his bed with him, I was really nervous. I must have fallen asleep but I woke up with Henry beside me with my phone ringing.

It was the ... The Hospital. I sat up quickly and bugged Henry I was panicking. I pick up the phone" hello?" I asked in a quivering voice "hello Lindsey this is doctor Shane I need you to come to the hospital the operation did not go as planned." he said in a worried voice. "Okay" I hung up by now Henry was up I started to cry "Lindsey baby what's wrong who was that" "the operation did not go well" his worried expression went into a panicked expression. I got up and Henry followed me to my car. We got in and drove to the hospital.

Nurses were running into room number two with a lot of equipment. I went into the operation room no one was there. I turned around and there was the doctor "Lindsey this way" he said. He walked into room number two. I stopped at the door way I had a panicked feeling in me. I walked in and saw my mom the monitors were beeping she was dying. I ran to the side of he bed I grabbed her and and kissed it. She turned to look at me "Lindsey" "mom".

I cried "mom please don't go I love you!" "Honey I love you too" I didn't know what to do I couldn't do anything. She kissed my cheek "I love you" then the monitors started beeping like crazy she was dead. Nurses ran in and I fell back and cried. Nurses around me helped me up into a chair. They covered my mom with a sheet and rolled her away. "Noo mom please Noo!!!" I screamed.Henry ran in I fell onto him. "Lindsey" "she's dead!" I cried so hard I almost fainted.

Henry picked me up bridal style and carried me to the car. I ran my fingers through my hair. I couldn't stop crying and I couldn't stop breathing so heavily. Henry drove the whole way comforting me. But any time I tried calming down I just cried again. I got out and slammed the door I ran into the backyard. I fell onto the grass from running to hard. Henry, Aqua ,Kaitlyn, and Justin came over to me. I looked at them and hugged them. "Lindsey we are so sorry" I ran away and jumped into the salty water. I swam off crying hearing screams "LINDSEY!!!" I ignored them.

I had such a hard time writing this chapter I cried I am sorry I didn't update for a while I couldn't think of what to write. I will update tomorrow.😊😍☺️📲📱💻⌚️comment!!!!!

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