Chapter 41

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Lindsey's pov

Carter drove and I sat in the seat next to him. Once we pulled into the driveway everyone came out. "Lindsey! We were so worried" then she glanced up at Carter and hid the smirk on her face. "We were all worried" Jack said with a straight face. I hugged everyone and went inside and collapsed on my bed.

Aqua fast walked into my bedroom and shut the door. I sat up and rubbed my head "what the heck?" "You have to tell me everything" she said. "Oh that" I said laughing "come on you have to tell me, what happened?" She said. "Did you guys have sex?" She said in a whispered voice I laughed and laid back down on my back and played with my hair. Aqua had like a weird face that she was doing she was laughing and giggling and squirming around. Then she jumped on the bed and screamed. Henry came in, "what are you guys doing" he said shutting the door. "Lindsey had a nice night with Carter" she said in a weird voice then she giggled and Henry wiggled his eyebrows. Then they tickled my until I would answer their questions.

"So were there candles, oo did he take off his shirt or his pants first" she asked I nudged her and blushed. "Okay I really don't need to hear any of this" Henry said sitting down on the bed. "I feel like I'm finally happy and I'm not depressed any more, and I think I have more control over my powers" I said smiling " well then it must have been good sex" Henry said laughing, Aqua kicked him and he fell off the bed then we all were laughing and Jack and Carter came in. Henry got up and walked away with a smile, I knew he was going to get us back.

I made spaghetti for everyone for dinner. My room was still a really big mess, so I picked up most of it after dinner. I picked up the necklace that Justin had given to me for my birthday off the floor it was a gold little circle and it had our names engraved in them. I went outside and the sun was setting. I walked close to the water and watched the sunset. All of Justin's and I memories flashed before my eyes. Then they were gone and I threw the necklace into the dark clear water.

Carter came up behind and wrapped his arms around me. We watched the sunset together until I saw Henry out of the corner of my eye holding a bucket of water. He was trying to get back a me and Aqua, and Aqua was coming over here now. This was going to be hilarious. I closed my eyes and made a protection bubble around Carter and I like I did at the hotel. Aqua was right next to me and then Henry threw the water on us but only Aqua got wet. Carter let go and I started to laugh. Henry was so mad but it was funny mad.

"Oh I am so getting you" he said laughing and grinding his teeth together. He ran after me "Carter help me" he picked me up bridal style and threw me into the warm water. I broke the surface "Carter!!" I said. I turned into a mermaid but flashed onto the sand in human form.

I got up and ran after Carter and Henry. I finally got Carter and Aqua got dried off and got Henry and we both used our powers and lifted them in mid air and dangled them above the water. "Lindsey I can't hold Henry for much longer" "I got it" I said " Lindsey you can't hold both of them" she said "trust me" I said. She let go of her hand and Henry fell a little bit but then I controlled him. I couldn't believe what I was doing I was holding both of them above the surface. I rode them higher and then I removed my hands and they crashed into the water. Aqua and I were laughing our heads off, Jack finally came out and joined the fun by hauling both Aqua and I into the ocean.

Now we were all in the water and we were splashing each other. We all finally got out and dried off. Jack put on Mission Impossible 3 (love that movie!) we all sat in the living room watching the movie until my phone rang. I looked at the screen " it's Kaitlyn" everyone's head raised a little. I answered "Kaitlyn? " "hey Lindsey I just wanted to tell you I am almost at your place!" "Oh ok yay! That's great see you then bye!" "Bye!" Then I hung up. I stared at the screen, Tom Cruise was hanging on to a bridge. Aqua finally broke the silence "Lindsey I can tell her if you want" she said I shook my head " no I have to be the one to tell her" I said.

We went outside to wait for Kaitlyn to arrive. I saw her white Toyota pull into the drive way. I let out a sigh and walked towards the car

Hey guys hope you like the chapter read my other book Stranded. I will update that book soon I am still working out a few things on it. Comment!!

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