Chapter 5

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Lindsey's pov

I woke up on a Saturday morning with warm breezy sea air coming through my window in my bedroom.

I went to the kitchen my moms door was still shut she hasn't come out for almost 2 days. I knocked on her door no one answered so I walked in, the lights were off and her bed was messed up. She had blankets and pillows over her and she had tissues scattered on her bed. She was asleep, and next to her was a photo of my mom dad and me.

I started to cry then I walked out of the room and dried my tears. I went to go make breakfast.

I really wanted to go swim so I went and got my bikini on and walked to the beach. No one was on the beach today. I dropped my bag on the warm sand. I jumped into the water.  Then my tail began to form.

The corals were beautiful today with the reflection of the sun shining on them. I had probably swam for at least an hour when I came to a big set of corals that I had never seen before. I started to swim towards it but then I stopped, I saw a tail of a fish swim behind it. it popped it's head out from the other side of the coral.

This creature well she was like me she was half human and half fish she was a mermaid too. "Who are you?" She asked "my name is Lindsey" I said "what's yours". "I'm Aqua, I've never seen you around her before" "I came from the beach" she had a shocked face "you're a land person?".

I went up to the surface and so did Aqua. I explained how I became like this. She told me that there was a whole kingdom of mermaids one mile away. Aqua said that her mother is the queen of the kingdom and her father is the king. I told her that I had never knew that there were other mermaids.

She told me she would introduce me to her parents and show me around. I agreed. We talked the whole way and got to know each other . "So you have lived in the water your whole life?" "Yeah, and you have lived on land your whole life?" When she said that I laughed. "so how is it, how is being a mermaid" she asked "its hard" I said.

"do you have powers, ooh! Have you experienced your first full moon?" She said excitedly. "Im sorry what??" I looked at her blankly.

"you know your powers" "I didn't know I had powers" I said "oh you haven't gotten them yet" she said. "I've only been a mermaid for a couple of days and already hard enough to keep it a secret."

She explained that every mermaid gets 3 different powers, she had the power to turn stuff into jelly, disappear, and freeze things.

She also told me about the full moon and it is very powerful "when there is a full moon you have to spend the night in the water" Aqua said "why can't I be on land?" "Because silly it will make you crazy and your powers will go bananas"

We finally reached the kingdom. The kingdom is beautiful there are big castle like  homes for people and corals in the courtyard, there are many mermen and mermaids swimming around. Everyone looked different than I looked Aqua had blue hair and a blue tail. Everyone had different colors on them. As for me I had blonde hair and it was pulled back into a French braid.

Aqua started swimming and I followed her, we followed the path to the palace. when we got there we were greeted by the King and Queen. "mom dad this is Lindsey my new friend" Aqua explained. "hello Lindsey" they both said "hi" I said shyly. "Lindsey came from land" Aqua said.

The King and queen looked puzzled "what!". "What's the problem" she said. "nothing" they both said. "why don't you show Lindsey around"  "ok" Aqua said. So she showed me the kingdom then she showed me her home "why don't you live in the palace?" I asked " well my parents are royal and I am but I just like to think of myself as just a mermaid, I hate being involved in royal stuff" "oh" I said.

Aquas house was a pretty shad of green. inside there is one room with a couch, TV, and a little kitchen. then she had little green stairs leading upstairs, I swam up, there was one room with a bed, dresser and desk. I sat I her bed  and she asked about my life And I asked about hers.

"I love your hair what kind of hairstyle is it." "Oh, it's called a French braid." "I've never heard of such thing." "I can do it in your hair too." "Really!".

After I did Aquas hair Aqua wanted to get me a house to stay in when I come and visit. There are a lot of houses but I manage to pick one out close to Aquas house. Everyone is so nice in the kingdom they let me have the house for free! My house was light purple, inside it had one big room like Aquas house and an upstairs room too. There was already a bed there by the window, or what is just a whole in the wall.

It looked out to the courtyard, there was a little ledge under the window as I sat down Aqua came up. "We need some decor" my eyes widened. Aqua and I picked out some stuff at the stores. I got my own pillows for my bed, a dresser, kitchen supplies and a whole bunch of other stuff. After that we went to meet some of Aquas friends.

I totally lost track of time and I probably needed to get home. I said bye to everyone as I started swimming away Aqua grabbed my hand "can you come back later I want us to spend the night together" "you mean like a sleepover" "I've never had one of those but yeah" she said "ok I will be there later" "ok see ya". I swam away.

When I got back on land I dried off and checked my phone 2 missed calls from Kaitlyn and Henry, and over 30 notifications on Instagram. I walked home Henry walked up to me "where have you been" "you wouldn't believe if I told you" I went inside to my room Henry sat on my bed.

I went into the bathroom and changed. when I came out Henry was still sitting there. "So what happened" "oh my god Henry! There is a whole other world out there!" I said. I told him everything he was amazed. My phone started to ring it was Kaitlyn. "hey" "Lindsey, you have got to get down her now!!" She told me everything.

I threw my phone on my bed and ran out onto the street and started crying I got into my car "Lindsey what's wrong!" He shouted. "get in the car now!!!" He jumped in the car. I speed down the road. "can you please tell me what's going on!!!"

"Justin is in the hospital!!!" I cried

Sorry I haven't written in a few days I did not know what to write about. so I was sitting in class and it popped into my head.😄

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