Chapter 35:

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"Natalie. Nat. C'mon don't do this. No, Natalie. Don't. Bear. Please don't do this. I love you. Please don't. Baby, stay with me. Please." I plead in a crying voice.

No matter how much I shake her or squeeze her hand, she won't open her eyes. There isn't any visible movement of her chest and the beeping of the heart monitor is decreasing to nothing. A few nurses come in but I can't leave Natalie. She's still alive.

It takes both Trent and Jonathan to pull me away but it doesn't stop there. I feel myself losing control, just like the night I fought with my bandmates on the tour bus.

"Harry, you need to calm down. You know Natalie doesn't want you to do this. Go with Michael and Kyle to the waiting room. Please, Harry." Lucy pleads through her tears, standing in front of me with Jonathan and Trent holding onto my arms.

I watch horrified as the nurses work on Bear furiously and Michael and Kyle look at me with tears and fear in their eyes.

"Let's call time at-" one of the nurses start but I scream to get their attention.

"She's still alive! Give her a chance! She's still alive!" I struggle with Trent trying to get his hand over my mouth. I've gotten their attention though.

"Sir, I need you to leave-" a nurse starts to tell me but I refuse to listen when the love of my life is dying in front of me.

"Listen. Listen to her heart that's still beating. She's still alive." I fight to get the older man's arms off me and they finally left me go.

Everyone goes silent as we all stare at the heart monitor which isn't showing any evidence that Bear is still alive.

"Sir, the last toll was-" the nurse states after several seconds but a single beep interrupts her.

Followed by a second beep a couple seconds later. Third and fourth soon follow, the speed quickening. Natalie's heart rate increases gradually until it's too fast.

"She's having a heart attack!" the nurse announces as a few other nurses rush into the room.

Only Lucy is allowed to stay and it takes Jonathon, Trent, Michael, and Kyle to all push me to the waiting area. Natalie was alive. But for how long?

"They have her stabilized now. We have to see her quickly though because Dr.Levin's making us leave for Bear to get better." Lucy announces as she walks inside the waiting room after an hour of heart breaking waiting.

I immediately go over to stand beside her, exchanging silent comfort. Bear was alive. Lucy holding tightly to my arm, I walk slowly down to Bear's room. She was alive at least. She looks exactly the same from when I first left the room, the sheets ruffled up more and all of her hair over her shoulder.

I let Lucy take the seat beside her bed but I take the next seat over, running my hand lightly over the sheet that covers her thigh. Natalie stirs a bit at my touch but her eyes are kept closed, Lucy shushing her softly.

"My chest hurts..." Natalie groans in a raspy whisper.

She keeps her eyes closed and lifts a frail hand to the collar of her gown, pulling it down slightly to reveal to angry red marks underneath both of her collarbones that look like squares.

"At least you're alive." I smile while finding Bear's hand. She smiles and grabs tighter to me.

"I love you, Harry. But you still can't call me 'baby'." Bear jokes softly and me and Lucy let out a small laugh.

The others all say quick things to Bear while standing around her bed, Natalie never opening her eyes once. When it's time to leave, I kiss her cheek lightly and she blindly smiles.

I'm Right Here- SWM Sequel (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now