I wept more.

I'll never be able to marry him.

Or hold his hand again.

I'll never get to sleep beside him as his soft breath escapes his sweet lips in little sighs.

I'll never get to make love to him- I could never have sex again after this- I didn't want to touch myself, let alone anyone else- he'd never forgive me.

He would never want me, Wyatt was one thing, this was worse.

I'll never have Danny's children.

I'll never grow old with him.

I'll never grow old.

I want to die.

I hope I overdose next time the needle goes in my neck.

I've seen myself in the bathroom mirror.

I was a ghost of the old me.

Hollow and grey.

Frail and hideous.

I want to die.

"Good morning little pet." Wade said, as he often did, coming into the room.

"I hate you." I grumbled, as I always do.

"You say that, but it doesn't matter, does it little pet?" He asked. I shook my head. He sat beside me and I sat up a bit, knowing he was only rougher when I didn't comply at least a little. He grabbed me roughly to place the needle in my vein and my eyes rolled back as the falsely euphoric feeling stemmed across my body. "Ah, there's my little pet." He chuckled, starting to feed me. It always felt disgusting, like I was a baby, he'd spoon it into my mouth and catch whatever would fall out, and spoon it right back in.

I finished eating and he placed the tray on the dresser, walked back to me, started kissing my shoulder slowly.

"So beautiful... So fragile... Little pet..." He kissed my neck. He touched my thigh. He pushed my dress up. I cried and whimpered. "So sweet... Especially down here..."

The door swung open and Wade jerked his hand away and glared up at the door.

"What the f*ck do you think you're doing- I told you to never come in here-" Wade stood up angrily.

"Sir!" The young boy huffed. "Sir he's here!"

"What?!" Wade shouted as he stood up. "It's hardly sunset-"

"Sir he's here, they're all here, they're outside in the forest waiting, their Alpha wants to speak to you!"

"As a human?!" Wade seemed nervous, but tried to keep his cool.

"Yes sir!"

"Dad!" I screamed, even though I was certain he couldn't hear me. Wade strode back to me.


"Stay quiet. I don't want you to move a fucking muscle... In fact..." He came up to me and I fought him, but he jabbed the needle in me. My eyes bulged out of their sockets. "Fuck! I meant to give you a downer!"

"Sir we don't have time-"

"Shut the f*ck up Jackson! Don't you dare move you little b*tch..." He slapped me again and I nodded quickly.

He slammed the door shut, and I heard him slide the latch locked on the other side. I didn't care though. I wasn't going to listen. Suddenly I felt so high that nothing would stop me. I used all the energy I had, which the drugs boosted, and pulled on the chain as I stood beside the bed. I had spent months fighting it to open, weakening it, if it were going to ever break, it would have to be now. There was no chance in hell it would happen...

HER Young Mate (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now