Part Thirty-Eight

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"And were going to be rescued soon. And there's no amount of slapping me that can stop that."

"And if I kill them?" He threatened.

"Then kill me."

"And what if- what if I stop drugging you, and I promise you can see them, will you behave?" He asked. I was shocked he had asked me that. He couldn't be serious could he? I looked at his face and he seemed serious, his mouth forming a thin line under his mustache.

"You're lying-"

"I'm not." He sighed. "I want you to eat. I'll have to drug you a bit, but the amount you need now to behave isn't good for you."

"I-I can behave if I get to see them."

"Deal." He smiled at me. "Now eat." He held the spoon up and I took a bite. It took me a few minutes to swallow, but I got it down, and he fed me another bite.

"I want to feed myself." I said, the memory of Danny feeding me when I was ill had flashed into my mind, and it made me want to cry. He sighed and placed the tray on my lap. My hand shook as I brought it up to my mouth, it shook so bad I spilt oatmeal on myself, but in my state I could care less. "Leave me alone please..." I said quietly, trying not to upset him.

"When you're done I will leave..."

"How long have I been here?" I asked casually, not expecting him to answer, he never did.

"Two months and four days." He said calmly.

I was anything but calm.

I tossed my tray up at him and jumped off the bed.

"Let me go!" I scream as I yanked on the chain on my ankle. "Let me go!" I screamed again. I didn't realize I had infuriated him, covered him in oatmeal, and that he was just glaring at me.

I also hadn't realized it had been that long, though.

What if they're going to attack my family soon? He said it would be months until he can attack- but it has been months!

And though I had said it didn't matter anymore... What if Danny had started aging again? If he was aging- at the same rate as before I changed again- he'd be twenty seven by now! Even if he aged slower, like he was when I wasn't around him, he'd be my age and it wasn't going to stop anytime soon. What if I'm gone so long he loses out on even more of his life!

"Let me go Wade! Please!" I begged as I pulled on my leg, the drugs giving me the strength and the numbness to not feel the cuff around my ankle cutting into the flesh of my leg.

"Coralie you f*cking idiot!" Wade picked me up and tossed me onto the bed, and I watched as he wiped oatmeal off his Armani suit (his clothing of choice). "Look at this fucking mess!" He shouted, but I was too busy sobbing to care to look. "There's blood all over the floor!"

"Wade please!"

"You said you'd behave!" He said, sounding honestly disappointed.

"That was before I knew I had been here so long! Please Wade! Let me go!" I sobbed.

"No. You know the answer is no, so stop begging. God why did I have to imprint on such a weak woman!"

"I'm not weak! You've drugged me and I can't eat! I feel sick always, or I feel nothing." I sobbed into my hands. He sighed, and I scrambled away when I felt the bed dip beside me. I hid my face still, willing for him to go away.

I felt his hands on my ankles and he tugged them away from under me and I was suddenly laying flat. I kicked and screamed as he crawled over me.

"No! Don't touch me!" I screamed as I kicked and hit him more.

"You are a little fighter... Aren't you?" He said more to himself than me as he pressed his chest against me and startled my waist. I hit at his chest as he smirked, but then in one swift motion he caught my arms and held them above my head with one of his strong hands, the long fingers encircling my wrists like chains themselves.

I spit in his face.


He wiped his face and he glared down at me. "Look what we have here... A little wolf cub who can't do anything to stop me..." He spoke to me like I was a child and clucked his tongue. "Tsk tsk..."

"Don't Wade! Please!" I begged as he looked down at me menacingly. I had been beaten by him, but he's never advanced on me like this.

"Mmm... You know... I kind of like the way you say my name when you beg..."

"Wade stop!" I cried as tears rolled down my eyes in streams and I fought to get out of his grasp.

His clutch on my wrists tightened, I tried to kick, but he just squeezed my waist with his knees. The bruises on my side suddenly screamed out in pain, even with the drugs still taking effect.

I screamed out in terror.

He stopped my shrill scream by roughly pressing his lips against mine. I shook my head to get away, but his free hand grabbed my neck and my jaw, and he held me in place as I sobbed.

None of this felt good 0r right. He says I'm his mate, even unwanted mates should feel good somehow, but not this. Mate or not this felt disgusting and painful, and completely unwanted.

I wanted Danny, not him, and I sobbed as he pressed his lips to mine over and over again. Then he made his way down my neck. My breath hitched, but not in pleasure- in shock.

"You need to learn how to behave..." He mumbled against my neck as he kissed my skin. Despite him not having his canines he bit on my neck, but it was painful, not enjoyable. I chocked out another cry.


"Beg some more Coralie, I love it..." He let go of my wrists, but no matter how many times I fought against him, slapped or clawed, he never stopped.

"No Wade! Stop! No! Please! No!" I screamed. His hands reached up and suddenly my top was ripped down the center.

"Sexy little bitch... Aren't you..." He teased as he looked down at my chest, the only thing holding me from being exposed was my bra. I wept into the pillow under my head, not knowing what was about to become of me...

Little warning (I promised): next chapter will continue from here, so you might wanna skip it).

HER Young Mate (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora