Part Thirty-Five: Tracers

Start from the beginning

He- he was the man who killed Danny's family? But how, he couldn't have been much older than me, if at all. If he did it though, if he killed Danny's family, what would he do to me?

"How could you, you were so young-"

"I was beta then... It was easy... Killing all of those weak forest wolves, if you could even call them that... Especially that frail little blonde woman, with sad green eyes..."

"That was you- oh god!" I cried as I hid my face in my hands. "Are you going to kill me?!" I cried. I couldn't believe he was the one to kill Danny's mother and sisters.

He leaned back, stood up, and looked down his nose at me.

"Why would I kill my mate Cora..." He chuckled again. I glared up at him instantly.

"I'm not your mate. I have a mate- I love my-"

"Shut up!" He shouted. He rushed me, and before I knew it there was a pricking feeling in my neck. I pushed him off of me

"What- what..." My head spun as I felt a warm feeling run down through my neck through my blood and across the skin. He pulled back with some sort of needle and syringe in his hand.

"Sleep well little Cora." He smirked as my vision faded away.


"What- what was that?" I asked as I woke up. He was on the seat across the room from me now, and I had no idea how long I was out. I didn't feel like myself. My head was rolling, but I felt itchy and jittery.

"A mixture of uppers and downers-"

"Drugs!?" I touched my neck frantically.

"Yes, that is usually what goes in syringes Cora." He laughed.

"You- please- don't do that-" I couldn't think coherently- the whole room was spinning, yet at the same time every light or shine from a reflective surface danced and sparkled, catching my eye. I just knew I didn't want drugs, maybe if I ask nicely, he'll stop. "Please don't drug me-"

Suddenly I felt a slap across my face.

"Don't tell me what to do Coralie. When you speak to me you will show respect. I don't know how that weak little pup let you speak to him- but I will not let you speak to me like that. Do you understand?!"

"Eat Di-"

He growled as his hand came across my face.


"-Di*k you-"


"-F*cking prick!" I shouted. I hadn't even felt pain, no sting came as his hand met my face, and I was so angry I couldn't stop myself from talking back to him. I fought him as he held my torso down and pushed my face to the side. I fought as he moved my hair from the nape of my neck.

"Talk to me when you aren't going to be a little b*tch Cora." He said calmly as he pressed another needle into my neck. Everything went black, and I fell into a nightmare of him.


I don't know how long I've been on this bed, drugged up, barely existing. Wade keeps drugging me- because I wake up and scream- yell- call him names. He beats me and then gives up trying to speak to me. My stomach hurts, my head hurts, and after being drugged five or six times (I really lost count), I have no idea what day it is. I can't think straight, I can't feel my limbs much, and I no longer have the will or strength to yell. I couldn't if I want to, my mouth is so dry... I can't speak, it feels like I'm swallowing sand... and this is the first time I've woken up without Wade watching me.

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