Part Twenty-Eight: No Doubt About It

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"So f*cking ready!" He beamed, the most honest glow and twinkle in his eyes. In fact I'm sure he was about to cry. "I'm about to marry my mate!" He rubbed his hands together as if he couldn't contain himself.

"He's also had at least four beers..." Danny chuckled quietly, but Owen's smile never faltered.

"I could be stone cold sober or falling apart wasted- doesn't matter- I'm ready, and my sister is here, and this is going to be so rad!" He said, he hugged us both quickly, in one embrace. "And you're both together... This is the best day of my life!" He said looking forward. My eyes filled with happy tears as I too realized this was the best day of my life, here with my mate, watching my brother marry my best friend. Life really is beautiful sometimes, and if I had never come here yesterday this would have never been possible, fate had brought me here. And I was so thankful.


"You may now kiss the bride!"

Everyone roared into a cheer, so loud from the hundreds of guests it was almost defining. As Frea and Owen embarrassed I looked away with a blush, still finding it so weird they were together, despite being filled with joy because of it. When they pulled away I had just dared to look again, and Owen had just lifted Frea up from the dip he had dropped her into for the kiss.

"Now let's party!" Owen cheered as he hugged Frea, his beautiful bride, to his side and threw his fist up, causing all of his friends to cheer back in response. Even me, Danny, my dad- everyone- cheered with them.

In the jumbled crowd and rush as Owen and Frea went down the isle to be congratulated, I found it pointless to even try to congratulate my brother yet. I would have all the time to do that later, especially now that we live together. Somewhere along the way I saw my dad talking to Danny, but then a few of the council members began speaking to them, and I found it pointless to try to detach him from them. I determined food and a drink would be my next step.

I wandered towards the reception with the other half of the guests that also had food and a martini in mind. Durst caught up with me, he was a groomsman, but had also decided to head for food.

"Cora!" He cheered, wrapping me in a bear hug.

"Hey Durst! Wanna grab a bite with me?"

"Drink?" He smiled.

"Yes!" I agreed, happy I wasn't the one to suggest it. I'm sure a few people had heard about me drinking a lot more when I was gone, Durst likely being one of them, but I wasn't a drunk or alcoholic by any means. I had no need for it anymore so I felt fine without it, but I'm sure a few people might have the wrong idea because of my track record. Durst was such a light hearted guy though, I'm sure he wouldn't even care if I was.

"You look great by the way, so weird seeing you after all this time." He said as we walked through the crowd.

"Yeah, you too! I mean I known the last time I was around things were weird, but I'm glad you all are so welcoming now!" I smiled.

"Yeah, well, we're all a pack, we could never stay away from each other too long!" He laughed as we approached the reception area. We walked over to a big display of drinks, and though a nice mix drink would be good, I saw what Durst had seen and that was a line at the bar. We grabbed a cold brew each.

"So how have things been around here?" I asked, I hadn't gotten out much around here since yesterday, and I hadn't done much of anything.

"Good, you missed the ruckus of Sam and Alice's wedding, they realized they were mates about four years ago and got married right away. A few changings, a few births, deaths, nothing new really!" He laughed. I laughed too as, true to word, the chaos around me - the running children and dancing people, the sound of loud drums, and the over all partying insued- it seemed nothing out of the ordinary.

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