Chapter Twenty-Seven: Settling In

Start from the beginning

"Why do you keep doing this to me? I thought it was over..." He accused.

"What?" I was honestly shocked and confused myself.

"You're my mate Coralie! I've spent six years with you acting like you aren't. I want to run with you. I want to feel connected to you. Why are you still pushing away from me?" He asked, still angry. His eyes were hard.

"Danny that's not what I'm doing at all! I just- Danny don't you want to grow more before I turn? You might stop when I change- can't you see how it would be good for us-"

"I'm old enough-"

"Danny..." I said sternly. "Danny I'm not going anywhere, I'm not leaving you, and turning won't make that any stronger of a feeling..."

"Yes it would, your wolf will be stronger-"

"Danny I love you. All of me. Not just my wolf. I'm sore and I'm tired- and I need to clear my head before I run." I said. He sighed.

"Look- I'm sorry- I just- I've waited so long to be here with you, that I just want to get life with you started..." He walked up to me and hugged me loosely to him, kissed my forehead. "I'm still having a hard time controlling my anger on top of it..."

"I know." I chuckled.

"I guess being a bit older wouldn't hurt- well it hurts growing, but you know what I mean." He chuckled, though he still had a shadow of anger to his face.

"Yeah, maybe let that chin hair grow a bit." I teased. He smirked at me as he chuckled.

"Oh yeah... Would you like that?" He teased back with his voice going smooth like honey.

"Maybe..." I blushed as I giggled, looking away nervously. He laughed and kissed my forehead.

"Okay love..." He hugged me close, his arms wrapping around my shoulders. "After that you're all mine though..."

"I've always have been..." I smiled up at him. He kissed the top of my nose and I smiled warmly as he yawned. "Tired?"I laughed.

"Yeah..." He shook his head. "But I've got some homeschool work to do..." He rubbed one of his eyes.

"Hey guys!" We heard Owen cheer as him and Frea came from the woods. I let go of Danny and waved at them. I guess I was still kind of nervous about the way people might perceive our relationship- well, our- whatever it was right now. He was still young and I still had the underlying memories of the way everyone treated me when they first found out about Danny.

"Hey guys! Ready for the big day?" I asked with a smile as they walked up to the porch.

"Yes!" Frea said quickly with a big smile.

"Speak for yourself, I need about twenty hours of sleep first!" Owen groaned and yawned, going straight into the house, Frea hesitated though.

"Hey Danny can I speak to Cora alone for a minute?" Frea asked nervously. Danny smiled with a shrug.

"Sure!" He nodded, then kissed my temple.

"I'll be in my room studying." Danny said. I nodded and watched him leave into the house.

"What's up?" I asked, kind of nervous by her behavior myself. "Can I sit down? I'm kind of in pain?" I chuckled. She nodded and sat down on the deck chairs with me.

"I just... I wanted to ask you..." She wasn't looking at me, and then shook her head to try again. "I know this is last minute, I know I treated you very wrongly all those years ago... But all in all you're the best friend I've had my whole life- I want to apologize, and I was wondering- hoping- would you like to be my maid of honor?" She asked. My eyes grew wide, my smile following quickly.

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