Chapter 22

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A/N: OMG guys, I am soooo sorry this has taken so long. My life has been super crazy and wattpad has deleted a couple of my previous attempts. So I'm really sorry. I hope this is a good chapter though. Don't forget to comment, fan and vote! :)

    We slowly got out of the pool and grabbed our towels. Zach looked like a frickin' God. Tiny drops of water sparkled on his bangs, and he shook his hair into the towel. He wrapped the towel around his waist, but he still had some drops on his six-pack which made him even hotter. Shane copied his motions (not as godlike :-P) and they sat on the grass together. I grabbed my towel and spread it out about ten feet from them. I laid down, closed my eyes, pulled my sunglasses over my eyes, and soaked up the sun. A couple of minutes later, I could tell, even with my sunglasses on, that it got darker, so I pushed my sunglasses up, and opened my eyes. Zach, in all his glory, was standing at my feet. "Really Taylor? Tanning?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm a girl. I tan. Get used to it," I said, rolling my eyes. He returned the eye roll with a chuckle and went to go sit by Shane again. After I felt warm inside and out, I stood up, threw my towel over a pool chair, and walked over to where Shane and Zach were sitting. "Are you ladies done chatting?" I asked teasingly.

"Sure, are we going shopping now?" Zach answered in a falsetto. I rolled my eyes, and Zach and Shane burst into hysterics. "Actually, sure," I said. "I would love to torture you guys!" I exclaimed. I laughed with them and continued walking to the front door. The guys got up and followed me, and I motioned for them to be quiet.  I silently pushed the door open, and I walked in. I peeked into the family room. Ashley was sitting on Ryan's lap, and they were making out. I covered Shane's and Zach's mouths and hurried them upstairs. I shoved them into my room, shut the door, and as if on cue, we all burst out laughing. "Oh, my god!" I gasped in between laughing fits. 

"How can they deny liking each other?" Shane added breathlessly.

"Wait, I'm missing something. This has happened before?" Zach asked. Awh, he was so cute when he was clueless.

"Yeah," I replied.

"And they deny liking each other?" he asked.


"Wow," Zach replied. "How dumb do they think we are?"

"I know right?"

"Yeah." Shane added.

"Oh, crap!" I exclaimed, looking at the clock.  Both boys cocked their heads at me.

"Whaa?" Shane asked. I ran over to him and knelt to whisper in his ear. Oh, was that a tinge of jealousy in Zach's eye? Hehe. "Oh, crap, you're right!" Shane replied and stood up. Zach raised an eyebrow. "The party!" Shane filled him in.

"Oh, right," Zach said, more coolly then Shane or me. "Wait, Shane?" he asked, a tinge of nervousness in his voice.

"Mmm?" Shane said, not looking up from tapping his iPhone.

Zach sighed and shook his head. "C'mere," he said, grabbing Shane's arm and pulling him out of my door.  They shut the door, and I could here low voices in the hall. Hmm, wonder what that was about? Both boys reentered my room a moment later, and Shane came to fill me in. "Zach wants to know if he can trade places with me tonight at the sleepover, and if he can be your escort tonight," Shane said in my ear. I could feel color creeping up my cheeks. "Yes!" I exclaimed. I ran into Zach's arms. Okay, so maybe that was a little bit impulsive and immature but too bad! "Of course," I whispered into his chest. His arms tightened around me, and I internally sighed. My little body felt safe and protected inside his arms. Like nothing like Alec could ever happen again. "Well, I'm gonna go get ready for the party," Shane told us, and he let himself out.

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