Chapter 8

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   I woke up in the nude and laying next to Alec. I shook his shoulder lightly, and whispered in his ear. "Alec," I said. His eyes opened slowly and widened when he saw me. "Good morning!" I said smiling, acting as if nothing unusual had happened last night. Alec pulled my body down on top of his, and kissed me. I kissed him back and tangled my fingers into his hair. I slowly lifted my body off him and broke the kiss. "Come here," I said, tugging on his hand. I led him into the bathroom and turned on the shower. He and I stepped in together, and again, our bare bodies were pressed against each other and Alec's lips were on mine. I took a bar of soap and rubbed it all over Alec's body. He stole it from me, and rubbed my body with it. Then, our lips met again, and we kissed under the hot water. The steam was curling  around us, which made Alec look extremely sexy. When we stepped out, he was dripping, but he took a towel down and dried me off. Then he wrapped us both in the towel, and we walked back into my room. "So," he said, fake subtly. He waggled his eyebrows and grinned evilly at me. "So," I replied and walked over to him. We were still both in the nude and he was sitting on my desk chair, and I straddled his lap. I kissed him gently and momentarily, my mind flashed back to the night with Shane. Oh come on Taylor! We were both drunk; it didn't mean anything. Or at least that was what I was trying to convince myself. "Okay, so you are def not allowed to stay over tonight," I instructed my boyfriend. He looked a bit hurt and my heart dropped to my stomach. "Ash and I are having girls night," I quickly filled him in. The hurt in his eyes resolved, and he winked at me. "Okay, but I better see you again soon," he told me. "Okay, okay," I pretended to act like it was a nusiance. "Alright I have to meet the guys at the pizza shop in an hour, so I gotta get ready." Alec told me. "'Kay, I do too. Ashley and I are meeting at the mall in half an hour."

 "Ooh, let's race!" Alec grinned, and I wiggled my eyebrows. "Okay... 3...2...1.. GO!" Alec and I giggled and ran around my room like mad people, trying to beat the other one. I grabbed a pair of daisy dukes and a tank top and quickly dressed. I yanked a brush through my hair, and then brushed my teeth with one hand and tousled my hair with the other. When I ran out of the bathroom, Alec, being a guy and needing no time to get ready, was sitting on my bed. "Okay, okay what does the loser have to do?" I groaned. "Hmm, let's think." Alec said. "Oh, I know! The loser has to make out with the winner." "Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed sarcastically. "That's so terrible!" I ran over to him and straddled his lap. We kissed for a few minutes until the doorbell rang, and I spotted Ashley's black BMW 335i parked outside. (Yes, Ashley's family is loaded.) "Alright, lover boy, I gotta go. Have fun with your friends, and I'll call you when it's permissible for you to come over again." I pecked him on the lips and ran downstairs. "Heyy," I pulled the door open. "Hey girl!" Ashley giggled. "Ready to go?" she asked. "Yeah, let me just grab my purse." I ran to the table in the entryway and grabbed my small, Vera Wang black and white bag that looked like this:--the pic on the side ----->

and ran out the door.  Ashley was waiting in the car, and she started her engine when she saw me. "So?" she asked. "How'd it go?" Now how did I answer this? "Um..." I hesitated. "I'm not exactly sure..." Ashley gasped. "What do you mean?" Except she said it really fast so it sounded like: Whouean? "I don't know. Before we actually started he was really sweet and sexy, but he didn't pay any attention to the fact that I was a virgin, so it hurt like hell."

"That sonofabitch! He wasn't careful at all?" I shook my head. "He was actually kind of mean..." I trailed off. "I just wish he could've been more sweet, more romantic," I said, on the verge of tears. Ashley gave me a hug. "It's okay, Tay," she said. "We're gonna make you forget all about it with the best girls day eva, okay?" I wiped the tears out of my eyes. "That sounds great." I said.

"You wanna go to Starbucks?" Ashley asked. "You know it!" I replied. Ashley turned off and pulled into the drive thru. "Oh my gosh, you know what we should totally do?" Ashley turned to face me. "With you I never know. What?"

"We should totally run to Wet Seal and get outfits that make us look totally hot, get mani-pedis and then go to the mall and see how many guys try to hit on us," Ashley laughed. "Oh my gosh we totally should!" I said. "Well it's a plan!" Ashley said as she pulled up to order. "What do you want?" Ashley asked. "My norm, please and thank you," I said. "Kk," Ashley said as she rolled down her window to order. "Welcome to Starbucks, my name is Amy, what can I get for you today?"

"I'd like a Venti double choclaty chip frappucino with whipped cream and carmel and chocolate all around, and a Venti coffee frappucino with whipped cream and chocolate all around."

"Okay, so I've got a double choclay chip frappucino and a coffee frappucino both Ventis with whipped cream, chocolate and carmel all around?" Amy asked.

"Yup!" Ashley confirmed.

"Okay that's seven dollars and seventy-six cents at the next window. Thank you!" Ashley waited for the white CR-V in front of us to move, and when it did, she pulled up to the window. "$7.76?" the person at the next window asked. Ashley handed him a ten dollar bill. "Two dollars and twenty-four cents is your change," the girl said, handing Ashley two one dollar bills, two dimes and four pennies. "Thanks, but keep the change," Ashley said. "Thank you!" the cashier smiled. "No problem." Ashley replied.


Hey guys! I was just wondering if you guys had any thoughts on it! Please comment! Thanks!

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