Chapter 11

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    Two hours later, Ashley and I had essentially been inside every single shop in the mall, and we were just about ready to drop. "You ready to go?" Ashley asked me.

"I never thought I'd say this, but let's get as far away from the mall as possible," I replied. Ashley laughed, and we headed toward the exit. Suddenly, we came across a huge circle of people. They seemed to be watching something or someone. "Should we-?" I asked, jerking my head towards the crowd. "Why not?" Ashley replied. We headed towards the crowd and stood on our tip toes to see the action. In the middle was my boyfriend Alec making out with another girl. "Jerk." I said loud enough for everyone, including Alec to hear, and I walked away. Alec broke the kiss to look at me and the crowd groaned. "Oh, come on, girl, they were going on an hour straight!" one of the guys complained.

 "I don't care." I said.

 "Wait! Taylor, wait!" Alec chased after me.

 "Cheating jerk." I said.

 "It wasn't what it looked like!" he pleaded. His eyes were full of sadness and hurt.

 "What was it then, Alec? Tell me that."

"Look, I got dared to kiss a random girl for as long as I could," he told me.

"Right, uh huh, and I'm the queen of Sheba." I turned my back and kept walking. I felt Alec grab my arm.

"I don't need this, Alec. In case you haven't added two and two together, we're over."

"Taylor! Please," he said. "Hear me out."

"No. You have no good reason for that," I pointed my finger towards the slowly disappearing crowd. "Listen to me, Alec. I kissed Shane at that party because he forced me and I was drunk. Ever since, he's been trying to get me to make out with him again, but I stayed loyal to you. I guess you couldn't do even that. Goodbye." I kept walking toward the exit. When we got out of Alec's sight, I pulled my sunglasses over my eyes and broke into a run, and I ran until I was sitting safely in the BMW. "I am so sorry, Taylor!" Ashley exclaimed, reaching over to hug me. I let the tears run down my cheeks and drip onto my hands. Each hot tear felt like a ball of flame, burning me at the touch. "He doesn't deserve you." She consoled me. "He definitely is going to have his butt kicked." She informed me.

"I don't even care." I wept. "I just can't believe that he tried to make excuses. Or the fact that last night I gave him my virginity. Or the fact that we've been going out for two and a half years." I held my head in my hands and kept crying. "I'm sorry." Ashley said before starting the engine and driving out of the parking lot. I curled up on my seat and cried myself to sleep.

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