Just a Kiss Chapter 2

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As soon as I was dressed, Alec intertwined his fingers with mine and we walked at a leisurely pace in gentle silence. Soon, Alec broke the silence while he was looking at me. "You look beautiful tonight, you know that? And you'll only get prettier by the day." I blushed deep red and Alec smiled. I looked down at my feet, and I replied, "I don't know what to say. There's no word I can use to describe how... handsome... you look on a daily basis." I cringed at using the old fashioned word, but there was nothing else I could use. Alec reached inside the pocket of his hoodie and pulled out the key to his light blue Ford Explorer. Matt was already standing there, and he yanked the back door open and hopped in. Alec walked to my side of the car first. "Enter, m'lady," he said in a cheesy British accent. I laughed softly. "Why, thank you, sir," I said in the same accent. We both collapsed in giggles as he walked to the driver's side of the car. Alec pecked me on the cheek when he got in the car, and he turned on the radio. 'Run This Town' by Rhianna, Kanye West, and Jay-Z started to play on the radio, and we broke into parts. Me doing Rhianna, Alec doing Jay-Z, and Matt doing Kanye. We sang all the way to the party, but we couldn't sing long without laughing because we were so off key. Fifteen minutes later, we arrived at a house that was blaring music and flashing lights. "Um, wow." I commented. The person hosting this party was from Alec's old school, and I had never been to one of his huge parties before. "Yeah." Alec said in the same awed tone. "So shall we go in?" Alec asked. "Of course!" I exclaimed and stepped out of the car. "Yo, Alec!" We heard Lance Jackson's booming voice behind us when we first entered the house. "Hey man," Alec replied, and he and Lance did that weird guy handshake that no girl will ever understand. "Great game tonight, bro," Lance told Alec. "Thanks, man. But it sure helped to have this one," Alec nodded toward me, "cheering me on from the sidelines."

"Oh?" Lance asked. "And who is this sexyass?" Lance didn't go to our school, but it was still a surprise that he didn't know me. "This sexyass, Lance, is my girlfriend, Taylor."

"Hello, Taylor," Lance said in a husky voice while he slapped my ass. I giggled but pulled away from him. Alec was way better. "Hey, man," Alec warned. "She's my girl, go find your own."

"Okay, man, but if you ever dump her, " Lance winked at me, "Make sure to give her my number." Then, he walked off in the other direction to hit on some other drunk whore at his party. "Sorry about him, babe." Alec apologized. "Lance is a bit of a...chick-stealer, if you know what I mean." Alec chuckled. "Wow, that sounded so immature."

"Don't worry babe." I stood on my tiptoes. "That's part of your charm." I leaned up to kiss him, and he kissed me back willingly. After a few minutes, Matt once again broke our kiss, and Alec and I went to go enjoy the party together.

A few hours and several drinks later, I stumbled on Alec's arm. "Are you okay, babe?" Alec asked in a concerned tone. "Uh, yeah," I could hear my words slurring. "Just a little too much to drink. I'm gonna go find a place to lay down."

"Okay, I'll wake you up when its time to leave." Alex said, and then walked off in the other direction. I was a little hurt that he didn't offer to escort me, but true to my promise, I went to go find somewhere to lay down. When I found a room that was empty, I stumbled in but only to nearly fall flat on my face. I would have to, except two strong arms reached out of the darkness to catch me and pulled me upright. " I thought I might see you here," a seductive voice purred in my ear. I recognized it from earlier that night. "Shane? How'd you get in here?" I asked in a feeble tone. "Oh, I just know the Jacksons'."

"Oh," was all I had to say.

"That was two times tonight, sexyass. I think it's time for a little payback." Shane whispered as he crushed his mouth on mine. I tried to pull away, but Shane had already wrapped his arms around me to keep me from breaking the kiss. "Fiesty huh?" Shane muttered. "I like that." He continued kissing me, but he picked me up and carried me to the bed. He threw me onto the bed and laid on top of me. Before I knew it, my slim fingers were unbuttoning his shirt and his were slipping my shirt down.

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