Just a Kiss Chapter 6

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     As soon as the phone disconnected, I turned to face my boyfriend. He was staring at me in, what seemed to be, awe. "What?" I asked. "You are just so amazing." he replied. I blushed deep red, and he walked over to sit on my desk. "So," I asked, "you're spending the night right?" "Are you kidding?" Alec wondered incredolously. "I just got offered the chance to essentially sleep over with my girlfriend for the next two weeks. Hell yeah!" I laughed at Alec's enthusiasm, but secretly, I was overjoyed that he wanted to spend two entire weeks with me. "So when are you gonna get your stuff? Cause I wanna go tell Ashley something in person, and you kinda can't be there. I love you, but you can't." It was Alec's turn to laugh at me. "Okay," he said. "I'll get my stuff after your parents leave and you and Ashley can go do... whatever." We laughed just as we heard my parents calling us again, but this time they were waiting in the entryway with suitcases by their side. "Okay, well it's time for us to head off to the airport." my mom told us. "Okay. Love you mom, love you dad." I said, giving each parent a kiss on the cheek. "We'll call every night to check on you okay? And we're trusting you so don't leave the house in a mess. Please." I laughed. "Of course you can trust us mom. Now, go catch that flight and have fun!" I gently shooed my parents out the door, and listened for the sound of their engine starting. Then, I turned around to face Alec. "Go get your stuff and meet me here in about two hours, okay?" I asked. "Sure." he replied. He stepped out of the threshold, but turned to face me. "I'll miss you," he said, and he pressed his lips gently to mine. "Miss you too." I replied. Alec walked down the rose lined path, and I heard the engine of his Chevy truck rumble to life as he drove away. I shut the door and locked it, then ran to the phone. "Ashley? Red alert fashion emergency. Meet me in my house in five."

              "So, let me get this straight. You're essentially gonna try to seduce Alec tonight?" My heart rate sped at hearing the actual words but I gulped and nodded. "Okay then. Good thing I'm not the virgin here." She grimaced. "I wish I was though," she muttered under her breath. "Let's go in here." Ashley pulled my arm towards a Victoria's Secret. "Oh, god." I mumbled, but I willingly followed my best friend. "Oi vay," I cursed in Yiddish while staring at all the leingere around me. "Are you sure about this?" I asked Ashley. "Are you really gonna question me, little miss virgin?" "Okay, okay, I get it. Let's just get this over with." Ten minutes later, Ashley had about a million things she wanted me to try on. She tugged my hand toward a dressing room, and the lady outside raised an eyebrow. "Hey," Ashley said as we walked down the rows of dressing rooms. "Don't judge!" she pushed me into a dressing room and gave me a handful of things. "Oh, would you just come in here!" I exclaimed in frustration. "I seriously need your help." I hid behind the door while Ashley pushed it open. She silently shut the door and looked at what I was currently wearing. About half an hour later, Ashley forced me to buy a black lace bra and g-string. "God, I hate this." I complained to Ashley. "But if it all pays off, it's worth it right?" I shrugged my shoulders. I wanted Alec's body like hell, I just wasn't sure... Oh, suck it up! the little voice in my head whispered. He loves you, you love him. Make yourself be ready Taylor! I agreed with the voice in my head. Alec and I had been going out for two years. I think it was high time that we... well, you know. Before I knew it, Ashley dragged me into another store. She ended up buying me (again) a black miniskirt and fishnets with a corset-like tube top. Then, we ran out of the mall and into the car. "Okay, I officially love you!" I exclaimed. "You totally should. Aaand, this plan is like totally fool-proof." We collapsed in giggles and drove home. At home, Ashley helped me get into the entire outfit and she did my makeup. She was totally my best friend! "Okay, you have got to go. Alec can't see you here, or else he'll know something's up." I said as I threw on the black tank top that we had agreed I would wear over the entire corset thing. He could still see the fishnets, but we thought it was better to only give him a taste at first. "Okay, I totally agree. See you tomorrow! Tell me all about it!" We giggled as I pushed her out the door. "I will. Now move sista!"

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