Chapter 16

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     "I really don't know," Ashley replied.

"Yeah, really," I said. Then my phone buzzed again. Ashley opened her mouth to comment, but before she could, I cupped my hand over her mouth and said, "Not. Even. One. Word." I slowly took my hand off of her mouth, but she rushed, "Lover boy!" I slapped her up the side of the head and opened the new message.

Shane: That's just a sign that u shud never bring up tht sorta thing with me.

Me: u got tht rite... u jst scarred me 4 life.

"You so like him, Taylor," Ashley accused.

"Ew, do not!! Did you not just see that text?!?"

"Yeah, but honestly, you rush to answer his texts, you are texting him, and you don't skirt around the subject of him like you would ordinarily," Ashley stated.

"Yeah, so we're friends. That doesn't mean I like him," I pointed out.

"Whatever," Ashley dismissed my statement. Then my phone buzzed again.

"Say one word Ashley Moore, and you're a dead woman," I threatened. This time she kept her mouth shut as I opened the text.

Shane: Oops... not.

Me: ur not srry u scarred a grl? woooow ;)

"Ooh, winky face!" Ashley exclaimed. She was standing over my shoulder and reading my texts.

"Oi," I said. "Just drop it, okay?"

"Fine," Ashley replied grudgingly. Before long, my phone buzzed again.

Shane: wutever. hey theres a party @ my place 2morrow nite, wanna come?

Me: y?

I groaned. "What?" Ashley asked with her head cocked to one side.

"Shane just invited me to a party tomorrow night," I replied.

"You going?"

"I don't know, let's see what he replies to my text." As if on cue, my phone buzzed again.

Shane: idk, i wanna c u i guess

Me: so ur not jst making a ploy 2 get in2 my pants?

"What's his reason?"

"Apperently he wants to "see me"." I replied, putting air quotes around the last two words.

"Ooh, Shane has got a serious crush on you," Ashley swooned.

"Weren't we going to drop that subject?"

"We were going to drop you having a crush on him, not him having a crush on you."

"Whatever, I still think he's just trying to get into my pants."


"Come on, let's go inside," I said as I hopped down from my chair. "Cocoa!" I called. My yorkie ran to my feet as we walked inside. "You wanna stay over tonight?" I asked Ashley.

"Sure," she replied.

"Ooh, yay, fun!" I giggled. My phone buzzed again, and I picked it up.

Shane: No, we're jst friends and im cool wit tht.

Me: Ok, i guess ill go buuut can i bring ash?

"Okay, I'm gonna go to the party," I informed Ashley.

"What?!?" Ashley's eyes bugged out of her head and her mouth fell open.

"Shut your mouth, you look like a goldfish," I said dissmissively. "And yeah, I am gonna go. It seems like fun."

"Ookay, can I at least go with? You know, to make sure Shane doesn't rape you?"

"I don't know, I just asked."

"Kk," Ashley replied.

"You wanna watch a movie tonight?" I asked Ashley.

"Yeah, sure!" We flopped onto the couch just as my phone buzzed. I forgot I had left it on the kitchen table. "Urgh, right when I got comfy," I complained. Ashley just chuckled as I went to go grab my phone.

Shane: Yeah sure... but y?

Me: Ash wants 2 make sure u dnt rape me XP

""Kay, you've been invited," I told Ashley.

"Cool, I'll def be there... but just to make sure you don't get raped, do not get the wrong impression here," she said. My turn to laugh.

"Uh-huh, suuure," I laughed. She whacked me on the arm.

"Oh, shut up!" she giggled. We were both laughing when my phone buzzed again.

Shane: O, does she now? tht ruins my plans 4 the evening... JK, JK!

Me: Lol, ok ill make sure 2 tell her tht... u better be wearing a bulletproof vest 2morrow

"Shane says you ruined his plans for the evening by being there," I informed Ashley.

"I'm gonna murder that boy," she joked.

"I warned him of that... he's currently buying a bulletproof vest."

"That's not the only way to murder someone," Ashley grinned and laughed evilly.

"Wow, creeper much Ashley?" I teased. We started to scroll down the movie list.

"Hey, we should watch Dear John," Ashley exclaimed.

"Yeah, I haven't seen that yet, we should!" I agreed. Suddenly, Ashley's eyes narrowed and she grinned.

"Uh-oh, Little Miss Evil Genius has an idea," I warned the world.

"Ha. Ha." Ashley replied tonelessly. "Actually I was thinking  you could invite Shane over to watch and see what he says."

"Eww, when we reach a parallell universe that'll happen."

"Come on, Tay! Dear John is a total chick flick, but if he likes you, he'll come," she convinced me.

"Fine," I whined. Ashley bounced and clapped her hands. "Child," I muttered; she slapped me on the back of the head, but it was worth it.  Right on time, my phone buzzed.

Shane: thx but ill take my chances.

Me: ur life, not mine. btw, ash is annoying the hell outta me and we're about 2 watch dear john u wanna come?

"Fine, I asked him," I told Ashley. "Oh, yeah, and he's taking his chances with the bulletproof vest." Ashley rubbed her hands together.

"Perfect," she smirked. 

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