Chapter 12

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    When I woke up, I wasn't exactly sure what had happened. What I did know was that I was laying on a leather couch, not in my clothes, and it was dark out. Then I remembered everything. My ex-boyfriend was a cheating jerk, and I found out when apperently he had been making out with a girl for an hour at the mall on a "dare". But that still didn't explain the unfamiliar clothes or the darkness. I didn't have any leather in my house... Oh, I must've been at Ashley's house! She must've let me stay the night on the couch in her room. Oh, I love that girl. I rolled over and stared at the black leather. With all the darkness in the room, it felt like it was closing in on me, giving me no room to breathe. I started drawing invisible designs on the dark leather as I tried to fall back asleep.

     Before I knew it, someone was shaking me awake. I groggily rubbed my eyes and blinked in the bright light.  Ashley's hair hung in curtains around our faces. "Good morning," she said. I put my hand over my mouth to stifle a yawn, and then replied, "Right back at ya."

"Are you okay?" she asked, looking concerned.

"Other then the fact that my ex is a cheating jerk, yeah." She frowned and sat next to me.

"I'm sorry," she said sincerely.

"It's okay, you're not the girl he was cheating on me with."

"Still," she said.

"I know, but you can't do anything."

"I know," she replied. "So do you wanna get breakfast?"

"Sure, that actually sounds pretty good," I replied as my stomach growled.

"Well, you missed lunch and dinner, I'm not exactly surprised," she told me. I laughed and swung my feet over the edge of the couch.

"So, how did you get me inside again?" I asked her.

"Oh, yeah, I should probably mention..." she trailed off.


"Shane followed us home," she said all in one breath.

"That-!" I growled.

"It's okay, I didn't let him do anything, but he sure was a big help. He carried you inside and stuff."

"I suppose I should thank him..." I said grudgingly.

" Oh, yeah, and he said to tell you to check the back pocket of your shorts, so I did and I found this," Ashley said, holding up a piece of paper that had been folded up about nine times.

"Thanks." I said, reaching up to grab the note. I slowly unfolded it, slightly afraid of what it might say.

Hey, I'm sorry about the Alec thing, it said. When you wake up, text me, cuz we seriously need to talk.  I sighed, and put the note beside me.

"What?" Ashley asked.

"Oh, Shane's bugging the crap outta me. BTW, where's my phone?"

"Oh, here," she said, handing me my purse. I put the note inside and pulled out my GalaxyS. I scrolled down the contacts to Shane.

Me: As much as I hate saying this, thanks.

I held my phone in my hand and stood up. "So we were thinking about breakfast?" I said as my stomach growled again. Ashley laughed lightly, and she and I walked downstairs. "Good morning, girls." Mrs. Moore said.

"Good morning, Mrs. Moore. Thanks for letting me spend the night." I replied.

"Oh, it's not a problem dear. I'm sorry about Alec though."

"Oh, no worries. I'll get over it."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. And if you don't mind me asking, can we have breakfast?" Ashley and her mother laughed.

"Of course," Mrs. Moore replied. "The eggs will be ready in a minute, take a seat." Ashley and I took the seats next to each other. Mrs. Moore poured us both a glass of milk, and gave us a plate of eggs. "Thanks," we both said in unison before we started to eat. In about fifteen minutes, we had both finished our food, and we ran upstairs. I checked my phone, and to my dismay, it read: One new message, SHANE.

Shane: 4 wut?

Me: 4 helping Ash and not raping me

"Hey, Ash, can I borrow clothes?"

"Sure anything outta my closet."

"Muchos gracias."

"De nada." I pulled a denim mini skirt and a pink tank top and threw it on. I pulled a brush through my hair and pulled it up. We were both putting our make up on when the phone rang and the caller ID read SHANE.

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