Part Twenty-Five: Promise You'll Stay

Start from the beginning

"Daniel..." My dad smiled at him proudly, both hands on his shoulders now. "I am never disappointed by your maturity and self control. Any other man would have killed him- but again you prove you truly are mind over matter." My dad had that proud twinkle in his eye he got when he felt like he had accomplished something. The fatherly pride all Alphas have in their younger pack members.

"I wanted to sir- But my wolf is obedient to Coralie- completely- even when it finds her decisions and requests hard to follow. I realised she was right- I have learned through many aspects in life that acting before thinking isn't always best. I would have killed him though... If Coralie hadn't stopped me, Sir." He cleared his throat and looked down momentarily before looking up again with a serious face. My dad sighed.

"But you didn't- and I'm proud of you..." My dad smiled and came to sit beside me, leaving Danny to stand at attention until instructed otherwise. My dad held my hand and smiled sadly at me. "I'm sorry you had to go through that little cub- I should have been there..."

"No Daddy- don't worry. Owen took care of it." I sniffled. He nodded, though I knew he wanted to apologise a million more times if he could.

"Where's your brother and Wyatt now?" He asked.

"I'm pretty sure Wyatt unconscious- Owen was going to drive him home, him and Sam are getting my things. I want to move home Dad. I want to be a wolf again." I smiled wearily as he smiled proudly back. Tears in both of our eyes.

"I'm so glad little cub. I'm so glad." He hugged me loosely enough not to hurt me.

"I'm sorry Frea- I didn't mean to ruin your party- I wasn't planning to do any of that but- but-" I almost began to cry again.

"- But... you saw Danny and realised you were never gonna leave." She chuckled with a quirky over emphasised wink, one I had seen grace her face many times as kids. I laughed and nodded quietly.

"Oh really..." My dad looked over his shoulder at Danny, who's face turned red and eyes grew a bit wide.

"Sir." Danny cleared his throat and nodded. There was a moment of silence, then suddenly-

My dad burst out in a booming laughter.

"Well- I knew this day would come." He chuckled. "Took you long enough... Both of you!" He sighed. "I'm in for a load of trouble." He chuckled standing up. I looked at him confused. "I swear in gonna lock your door at night..." He pretended to groan as he leaves the room past Frea.

"Dad I'm twenty four-"

"Not yours, his." He shook his head, "I'll check on you later." He chuckled as he retreated down the hall.

I looked to Frea for answers, Danny was already red with embarrassment.

"Lover boy here moved in two weeks ago so he could be closer to the rest of the head men of the pack." Frea giggled again. "I guess it's going to be tight quarters for all of us, I moved in a week ago too." She smiled wide. I swallowed nervously. "Well... I have a party to finish attending. I'll see you both later." She smiled smugly and left without another word.

As soon as she was gone Danny sighed, relieving himself of his obedient stance.

"Well that went better than expected." He said, cracking a smile. I laughed as he began to as well, but winced as the pain in my side vibrated trough me again. Danny instantly was at my side, a sadness across his face.

"Don't worry Danny." I chuckled softly. "I just need to sleep it off..." I sighed. I wanted to protest sleep. I wanted to stay awake if only to stare in admiration at his handsome face, to listen to his smooth voice tell me everything about him I missed, but sleep was pulling me in quickly. I yawned loudly and eased back into a laying position.

"How can I not worry about you?" He asked as he helped me get comfortable. I had an instant memory of the look of fear and pain on his face when he was a child, coming out of the forest having just witnessed the mass murder of his family. Now a shadow of that look was on his face, mixed with the anger from earlier. I smiled at him, trying to hide any ounce of pain. "I will worry about you everyday for the rest of my life, just like I've worried about you every day since the moment I met you..." He smiled at me warmly, kissed my forehead. "Do you need anything?" He asked. I shook my head and yawned. "Well you do need sleep." He chuckled.

"I can't- I don't want to- I just want to be with you..."

"I'm not going anywhere." He smiled. He stood up to grab my desk chair, and carried it across the room, as I fought to stay awake. He placed it right next to my bed and sat down. He held my hand as my eyes fluttered open and closed, trying to take in just a few more moments with him before sleep tugged at my eyelids.

"Promise you'll stay..." I said as sleep took over.

"I swear Coralie..."

Authors Note:
The image for this chapter seems unrelated, but that's Fred Ward, he plays in one of my favorite cult classic movies, "Tremors" , and he's EXACTLY who I imagine would be Cora's dad lol! I just had to put that picture, because he plays the role so well in my head and it's always cracking me up 😂😂😂!!!)

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