Part Five: New Friends and Enemies

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"Maybe they did. And that could mean trouble for us." My dad said this to the the two council members. I froze, knowing now for sure they were talking about what happened on my birthday. I had been so caught up on Daniel, I had forgotten the reason he came to me in the first place. His pack had been slaughtered.

"Luckily the boy didn't have to see too much, but that unfortunately leaves us with no clues as to who did it."

"Do you think they will try anything with us?"

"No, not yet, it seemed there were a few of their own who died. They will likely have to regroup before another attack, and by then we will have scouted into Daniel's packs territory. We will widen our grounds to include that part of the forest and it's outlying cities. If they want the land they will have to fight us for it before they even step foot on the soil our families live on." My dad was firm, and it made me feel reassured, but the fear that they some day might return to hurt Danny made me ill.

I ran across the living room and out the front door as I heard my dad stand, knowing he probably sensed me by the office door. Without hesitating I started the car and took off.


"Normal?" Wyatt asked with a grin as he made my coffee without hesitating.

"Yep." I smiled. I had dropped off my letter and decided to get a coffee and a snack having skipped breakfast. "And a blueberry muffin please."

"Oh, adventurous." He teased. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah if forgetting to eat at home makes me adventurous." I laughed. I handed him a ten. "Keep the change." I said as he handed me my muffin and coffee. If only he knew how adventurous my real life was. He'd never believe I'm a wolf.

"You want some real adventure me and my friends are going to a party tonight..."

"I can't, I'm sorry, it's just- I have... Other responsibilities." I apologized. I had my first scouting tonight and I wanted to do well so I could be put on the duties of scouting new lands, Daniel's land. Wyatt nodded and shrugged.


"I do!" I retaliated with a laugh, causing him to grin with his white teeth again. 

"Okay, how about tomorrow then, we were gonna ditch school and go to the beach." He offered. Normally I would refuse, school is important to me, but I figured securing new friendships (when my old ones were seemingly falling apart) wouldn't hurt.

"Okay." I said with a nod.

"Yeah?" He smiled wide.

"Yeah." I nodded again. "Will you pick me up? My twin brother will get suspicious if I take the bus and get off before we get to school..." I said shyly. He smiled wider.

"Sure, we'll pick you up on our way out of town." He took a piece of paper out of the receipt machine and wrote his number down quickly. "Call me when you get to your bus stop."

"Okay, see you Wyatt." I waved as I left the cafe, the doors bell ringing as it closed behind me.

"Sure your mate would like you flirting with other guys like that." I heard Owens voice before I saw him. I glared at him, he had been sitting outside waiting for me, I suppose.

"I wasn't flirting. And even if I was I am allowed to date, my mate is a child, and despite what you think, I am not interested in anything but friendship from Danny. So no, I don't care what you say... Leave me alone." I said as I walked back towards my car, but he followed. "Shouldn't you be worried about your own mate? And why are you stalking me here when you can tease me much easier at home." I scolded. He laughed.

"Because, I want you to feel just as awkward in public."

"Well I don't. And it doesn't matter. So leave me alone."


"Or wait till we go scouting tonight, how would it look if the Alphas daughter kicks the Alphas sons' ass?" I sneered as I approached the car.

"You couldn't and you wouldn't-"

"Wouldn't I? Maybe that's why you're so cruel to me, because you know now I am just as strong. We both found our mates first day after all, that makes us equals. We are the same size when changed, again equals, and I can out run you... Ouch. Perhaps I'm stronger too... Care to find out?!" I yelled. He glared at me as I huffed, fractions of an inch away from him. My teeth bared themselves and his did the same as he growled.

"I just want you to know how much of a disgrace you are to all of us." He spat beside my feet and I glared harder instead of jumping back.

"Well we have different opinions of what disgrace means, don't we? Now run back to Frea, I'm sure she can lick those wounds on your ego up for you." I shouted back and got into the car, slamming the door. He jumped back as I peeled out, nearly hitting him as I threw it into reverse.

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