Chapter Thirty Two | Angel of Mine

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Chapter Thirty Two | Angel of Mine


How you changed my world you'll never know

I'm different now, you helped me grow

You came into my life sent from above

When I lost all hope you showed me love

I'm checkin' for ya boy you're right on time

Angel of Mine - Monica

Month & Half Later

A/N as stated, please don't make a big deal about the suddem jump in times. The story is summing itself up in the next few chapters. There will be more time skips, which has a purpose. Thank you!


My morning was already starting off on the wrong foot and I wasn't up for it at all. I took another deep breath as I doubled over the toilet bowl again, emptying last night's dinner inside. The vommiting had become a frequent thing over the past month or so and it was working my nerves.

Every since I'd found out that I was pregnant a month and a half ago, I've been feeling extremely sick on a daily basis. This baby was taking me through hell and high waters at only three months into my pregnancy. It felt like my first time all over again, because I didn't experience any of these things while pregnant with Domani. I was praying that this was God's sign of my little girl being inside of me.

"You aight?" Money asked in utter concern as he sat on the edge of our garden tub, while holding my hair back and out of the way. Before I could even respond, more vomit erupted from my mouth and spilled itself into the toilet. I was becoming fustrated with my own self.

"Does it look like I'm okay?" I snapped at him with an attitude as I rolled my eyes. I took another deep breath, while hugging the toilet in hopes of my stomach settling down. This was not a good feeling, but it was all for this little angel of mine that grew inside of me.

"Man, you aint finna' be talkin' to me no any kinda' way when I'm only tryna' help yo hormonal ass out." he frowned as he stood up from the tub to leave. All of my hair fell around my face as he stormed out of the bathroom and slammed the door back, causing me to jump.

I closed my eyes and pulled myself away from the toilet bowl. I didn't mean to snap at him like that, it just comes out the wrong way, it has been for the past couple of days now. I know he was getting tired of my attitude and I wouldn't blame him, but I couldn't seem to help it. Being sick all of the damn time just really got to me and my frustration comes out towards him, unwillingly.

I stood up from the floor and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. I sighed and grabbed a disposable toothbrush from the drawer before brushing my teeth and gargling my mouth out until it felt clean. Once I was done, I headed out of the bathroom to an empty bedroom.

I left out of our room and went on a search through the house for Money. I checked Domani's room, the kitchen, den, and back yard before sitting at the bottom of the staircase. Almost on cue, he came walking through the front door with his keys in his hand, like he had been somewhere. I wanted to question it, but that wasn't even important to me right now.

"Money?" I called to him as he hung his keys up onto the key rack along the wall. He didn't bother to even respond as he headed into the kitchen, ignoring my call. I groaned quietly and got my fat ass up to follow him. I hadn't gained but two or three pounds, but it felt like ten or more.

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