Chapter Eighteen | Don't Understand Me

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Chapter Eighteen | Don't Understand Me


I do this for my family

They don't understand me

No new niggas round me

They don't understand me

I do this for my crew

I do this shit for you

They don't understand me

They don't understand me - Lil Durk


I sat in my car, waiting on Russo's men to come pull up and hit me with some work for this new upcoming month of February. We been really eating and with all this shit going on, that just made me go harder than before, for my family. All of the coke had been selling fast and putting extra dough in our pockets, so we upped our supply. A lot of people wonder why I do what I do, but they will never understand me. I don't just do it for me, I do it for my wife, my son, my mom, sisters, brothers, my nieces, and my nephews. They just will never understand me and my motives for the actions I take.

I sighed as I tapped my foot along the floor, waiting on the usual truck to pull up with the bricks. I turned the radio off as I started to get aggravated, but soon enough, an all white Escalade truck pulled up beside the Range Rover. I couldn't be more happy as I nodded at the head worker as he put the transaction in order. He hopped out of the truck, with the help from another worker, they placed the two crates of pillows inside of a mini-van that was parked behind mine. The head then, opened my back door and pulled the duffel bag of money out and them slammed it shut.

Just like that, the transaction was complete. I was a whole lot of bricks heavier and he was a whole lot richer. He got back into the truck and pulled off quickly from the park. I looked in my rearview mirror to see the old woman looking at me. I gave her a head nod and she returned it as she pulled in front of me as we got ready to leave the park and head to the first trap to distribute the work, so that it could be cut, cooked, and bagged for the streets by midnight.

I just so happened to look to my left and my anger flared almost immediately. A couple feet away sat JD, perched on the hood of his raggedy ass car as he stared at me with a stupid ass smirk on his face. As bad as I wanted to go over there and push that nigga cap back, I stayed in the car, calm, cool, and collected as possible. I was trying my best to control my anger, so I just pulled off behind the van, but not before giving that nigga the meanest mug possible and flipping him the bird. I hated JD with a passion and whether he knew it or not, his days were numbered in my book.

I followed behind the green mini-van as the seventy year old woman drove towards the first destination. She was driving slow as hell, but that was better than going fast which only drew attention. I yawned as I turned back on the radio and kept up with her all the way until we reached the trap house. The hard part was now done and I was happy. I always got a bit nervous when moving weight. I wasn't even the one moving the shit, but it still had me on edge for the most part.

We both parked around the back and stepped out of the car. Some of the workers from inside came out and grabbed the crates from the back of the van before they went and got started on what I pay they ass for. I reached in my back seat and grabbed another small bag and handed it to the old woman who wouldn't live to see another day. Her eyes lit up and she smiled as she walked back to her van with one of my niggas following her. I hated to have a old lady offed, but you have to do certain shit to stay out of jail.

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