Paige-Almost Too Late

Start from the beginning

Paige completely ignored Rosa, deciding to talk to you. "Yeah, I really wanna talk to you. In private, please?" You asked, looking behind her at Rosa.

Rosa had an offended look on her face. "Um, we were in the middle of the conversation. Can it wait until later or next week?" Rosa butted in before Paige could speak.

Your mouth grew dry as you heard that, a fake smile appearing on your face. "Yeah, sorry. I'll talk to you next week Paige." You didn't let Paige get a word in before you left, leaving the two to talk.


You then tried again next week on RAW. All divas were called up to the arena early to discuss plans for the next month. After the small meeting girls began to leave, but you stayed back, waiting for Paige.

As if she could read your mind, she turned her head and made eye contact with you. With a smile, she walked towards you and you began walking to her, but Rosa slid in the way, blocking your view from her. "Paige! You look really pretty today!" A frown came to your face.

Now she'll definitely not talk to you.

You didn't stick around to wait on Paige, leaving the arena to go to the gym to train for your tag match.

After 2 minutes of Paige fake laughing and smiling at Rosa's boring conversation, she looked back at the spot you were once in, only to see you gone. She silently cursed at Rosa for taking up her time.


The tag team match with you and Natalya went well, picking up a win for you both. You took a quick shower and on your way to the parking lot, a call of your name stopped you. "Wait up, Y/n." You turned around to see Paige running to you.

Your mood boosted up at the sight of her. "Hey, sorry I haven't been able to talk to you a lot." You gave her a small wave, brushing it off. "Oh it's fine. You are Paige after all, many people want your attention." You both shared a laugh and decided to catch up on some things.

Although you two were alone for a couple of minutes, you couldn't find the confidence in you to tell her how you felt.

"Well, I won't keep you standing here. I'll see you next week?" You nodded your head. "Yeah, definitely. Oh, and I'll be watching Total Divas tonight!" Paige smiled even bigger at that. "I'm gonna put in a show of ya." You two said your goodbyes and off you went to your hotel room.

After doing your nightly routine you crawled up in bed, turning to Total Divas as promised. You ate snacks, while making small comments about events that happened, but then it showed Paige.

At first you smiled, but then Rosa came into frame. They started talking about something and then Rosa grabbed Paige by her cheeks and pulled her in for a kiss.

Your eyes grew wide as you began coughing up a skittle you put in your mouth. Paige's eyes were just as wide as yours as she pushed Rosa away. "Rosa, wha-" You turned off the TV before hearing what Paige had to say.

You knew something was up with Rosa. She was always interrupting your conversations with Paige, or was just trying to steal the spotlight, as if she was jealous of you and Paige's relationship.

Even though Paige pushed Rosa away, clearly not liking the kiss, you knew you had to confess.

Even if that meant she would be pushing you away.


Next week came around and the moment RAW started, you were on a mission. After having a long talk with Naomi on the phone you were confident and were not gonna back down.

You spotted Paige talking with Sandra about her ring gear and you couldn't wait until their conversation was finished. You need to talk now.

"Paige, can I talk to you for a minute?" Paige looked at Sandra and she excused herself. She had a concerned look on her face as she spoke. "Yeah, come on, let's go somewhere more private." She led you both to her car and allowed you to get in. "You wanted to talk to me?" Paige asked, giving you her full attention.

"So, I've been trying to tell you something for the past two weeks but we're interrupted every time, and now that I got your attention, I'm just gonna say it. I like you. I like you a lot. You're just so pretty, and talented, and such a good friend, I just fell in love with you. I didn't tell you because I was afraid of you rejecting me, but after seeing Rosa kiss you last night, I knew if I don't tell you now that you'll move on and that's the last thing I want you to do."

It was quiet in the car except for the sounds of nearby cars on the road. You began biting your lip, feeling nervous as she didn't say anything. "Paige? Can you say something? Anything?"

This time instead of someone grabbing her, she grabbed you, pulling you in for a kiss. You quickly kissed back, moaning at the taste of her lips. Her hand held your cheek gently as she deepened the kiss.

You two continued to lock lips for a couple more seconds before pulling back slowly. Unbeknownst to you both, someone, (Naomi) was snapping pics of you two, ready to post to social media.

You both were blushing furiously, her pale cheeks now having a shade of pink. "Will you go out with me?" You couldn't find the words to say yes, so you nodded your head. "Great, I'll pick you up after the show." And with that, Paige got out of her car and went back into the arena.

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