Chapter 44: Rohit?

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Next day:

Aahan's pov,

Anuj: I'm curious Aahan, why don't you understand?

He asked annoyingly.

Aahan: I understand Anuj but what if she doesn't like it?

I tried to convince him.

Anuj: why would she'll not like?

Aahan: because we are interfering in her personal life.

Anuj: I was silent and waited for her but I don't think she would ever tell me anything. She is so scared and insecure to open up and I don't want to pressure her nor I just want to sit and watch her being hurt.

I went silent, he was right too.

Anuj: I want to do this even if she doesn't like it.

Aahan: let's go then!

We rose out from my office.

Aahan: Radhika I'm going with Anuj, we got a problem so take care of the company.

I said when I saw her, she looked at me and then Anuj and then again me.

Radhika: anything serious?

Aahan: I will tell you when I'll be back.

Radhika: okay!

We exit the company and drive to Divya's company. We parked the car and enter in, I never saw Anuj this fierce before. I know he crazily love her but being this fierce and impetiant is totally different.

Anuj: can I talk with Divya's assistant?

He asked the receptionist, she nodded and called someone.

Receptionist: she is free and you can meet her on the second floor left cabin.

Anuj: name?

Receptionist: Preeti Tiwari!

Anuj: thank you!

With this we rose towards the elevator, I patted his back.

Aahan: be patient!

Anuj: I'm scared, what if I'm not able to do anything?

Aahan: I'm here for that.

He nodded and the elevator door opened, We walked out. We find her cabin and with the knock we enter.

Preeti: good evening, sir!

Anuj: Hey, what is Divya doing?

Preeti: working in her office, do you want me to take you there?

Anuj: no, I came to talk to you so can I?

Preeti: sure, please have a seat.

We sat on the sofa, and she stood in front of us.

Anuj: why are you standing?

Preeti: I'm fine sir.

Anuj: please sit down and miss. Tiwari.

She nodded and sat far from us, from her expression I guess she knew why we were here.

Aahan: you know why we are here, right?

Preeti: yes, but I'm afraid I can't help you much.

Anuj: you are the only one who can help us.

Preeti: I'll try!

Anuj: how long have you known Divya?

Preeti: from the first day of her work, it's been two years since I'm working as her assistant.

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