Chapter 37: After One Week

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Anuj's pov,

I enter in room and immediately my eyes scan the room. My eyes looked down in disappointment, I sadly looked at bouquet I was holding. Red and pink roses were looking too beautiful to throw in dustbin. Suddenly I heard knob twisting sound, I looked. Divya came out from the bathroom with wet hair in simple kurti and blazo. Bouquet fell down as I admire her beauty, she looked at me. Her echo hazel eyes are just mind-blowing, I lost every time our eyes met.

Divya: what happened?

You don't have the slightest idea about what is happening to me Divya, you are clueless. Clueless about my being, my love, my desire, my pain. I picked up the bouquet and lifted it in front of her.

Anuj: for you!

She took it carefully without touching me, she distance herself more now. She hardly looked at me, touching is far away.

Divya: thanks!

She said with sweet smile, I kept looking at her. She was looking awesomely hot in wet hair, why I haven't saw her in wet hair before. She move her face closer to bouquet making her fair fall, and it just stole my heart. She sniff the roses, I raised my hand and move her hairs. She looked at me while her head was hang down. Her almond eyes were asking so many questions. She was confused and scared, I move closer. She kept looking at me, I sniff her wet hair. Her shoulders arched, I kissed her wet hair and move back.

Anuj: my roses are waste because your wet hair stole the scene.

Her pupil shake!

Anuj: you smell good!

After one week:

Aahan's pov,

I was working in my office, Radhika was sitting just in front of me. In this one week I thought deeply about Anuj and our talk. Sometimes it really confused me, what will be our future? I'm ready to fight with her, throw away my rights as husband just to be with her. But when I think, what being without her would feel I get goosebumps. I feel stiffness in every part, I don't know about love but I'm crazy behind her. It's been almost three months since we got married but yet no progress. Even though Divya avoids Anuj but at least they have some progress, but we are the same nothing changes between us. Sometimes thinking about our relationship makes me sick but my careless behaviour works with it. But in the end it's just me and her. Radhika you're messing up with my brain and mind, please don't clear my mind.

Radhika: what happened? You look stressed.

I looked at her and smiled playfully.

Aahan: are you worried?

Radhika: I'm worried that you might be planning something fishy about me.

I laughed!

Aahan: something is bothering me.

I said casually, she looked at me with a neutral expression.

Radhika: and from when you started stressing out on things except you?

She said while looking away.

Aahan: it's about me!

She scoff!

Radhika: it can be expected.

Aahan: what else does my wife expect from me?

Radhika: perhaps leaving flirting?

Aahan: done, next?

I said lovingly staring in her eyes with sweet small smile.

Radhika: lying?

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