Chapter 17: Got Caught!

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Anuj's pov,

I'm in balcony, taking fresh air and trying to erase all my worries. My unwanted thoughts are breaking all limits, I'm damn worried about Shina & Mina. Did I choose wrong partners for them? I love them like anything and now when destiny are hurting them, I can't do anything. I feel so helpless and worthless.

Divya: lost in thoughts of your sisters?

I puzzled for a moment as my thoughts broke, I looked at her. She was smiling sweetly, to what I own this beautiful smile. I want to hug her and tell her all my worries, but I just nodded.

Divya: they will alright and happy soon.

She said while walking towards me, she stood beside me. She was looking at the dark skies and I was looking at her.

Anuj: how?

Divya: every story needs a happy ending, doesn't it?

She looked at me, for the first time I looked away. I don't want to look miserable in her eyes.

Anuj: did I choose the wrong partners for them?

I asked in low tone.

Divya: if I say something will you believe me?

I looked at her, anything for you Divya. You don't need to ask, believe is nothing in front of my........maybe love!

Anuj: I will believe in everything you say!

Divya: you choose the right persons and both your sisters will be happy, believe me.

She said staring deep in my eyes.

Anuj: how can you say that? You haven't met Karan yet.

Divya: I had met with him in their marriage, and my guts says that.

She looked away, I smiled at her.

Anuj: I believe you!

She smiled without looking at me.

Divya: now relax! if something went wrong, they always have your back, right?

Anuj: yes, but I want someone's back to stay strong.

Divya: you already have!

Anuj: I don't have yours!

She looked at me.

Divya: why do you want mine?

I took a few steps closer to her.

Anuj: because your my wife, my other half.

Divya: I will always support you and trust you, and I will always stand with you in any condition.

For the first time she said anything so confidently.

Anuj: thanks, it means everything for me.

You don't even know what it meant for me Divya, I'm going crazy.

Divya: I don't know what your thinking but your going to regret everything.

She said and looked away, why this always has to spoil our moments.

Anuj: I will not!

I said confidently.

Divya: you'll see!

Anuj: even if I do, it's worth!

Shina's pov,

I woke up when sunlight hit my face, I blinked my eyes and sat straight. I turn to see Karan, I sigh in relief seeing him still sleeping. I thought he would leave for work before I woke up, I checked his fewer. His fewer fall down little, good thing to start the morning. I closed the curtains and went to my room. I took a warm shower, changed into comfy clothes and went to the kitchen. I'm making sandwiches for breakfast, I'll wake him once I'm done.

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