Chapter 36: Bike Ride

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After some time:

Radhika's pov continues,

After talking with Kajal I wanted some alone time so I came to store room. This is the only place I can be alone, telling her reason was so hard. It literally break me again, now she is worried about me. She is worried about me and I'm worried about him.

Aahan! Aahan! Aahan! Aahan!

What you actually are? Why you look different from what you actually are? Why are you so hard to know? Why your making it hard for me? What actually you want from me? I came to take something from you but I feel like you're taking something from me. A piece of my soul and a part of my heart.
   Suddenly I heard the door opening sound, Kajal came. Only she knows I'm here, I sigh.

Aahan: what happened?

His voice sent jolt all over my body, I looked up and my eyes met with him. Silence engulfed my thoughts when I saw concern in his eyes. He kneel down and I kept staring at him. He places his hand on my forehead and checks my temperature.

Aahan: your temperature is normal, what happened then?

I move back.

Radhika: nothing!

I stood up making him stand up too.

Aahan: why are you here?

Radhika: I came to plan something evil for you but you disturbed me.

I tried to act normal.

Aahan: oh really?

He asked, not being satisfied by my answer.

Radhika: yeah!

Aahan: being an evil wife?

He took steps towards me.

Radhika: what I can do when I have evil husband.

I confidently looked at him.

Aahan: love him!

I scoff!

Radhika: in your dreams!

He smirked!

Aahan: should I tell you my dream wifey?

He places his both hands on the wall chasing me in between.

Aahan: are you sure you can take it?

He asked while bringing his face closer to mine, I gulped.

Radhika: don't even think of something bad about me.

I said firmly.

Aahan: what if I?

His voice lowers down making him sound hot.

Aahan: you can't control me, my dreams and my desires.

He rubs his nose on my cheek.

Radhika: then I will crush them!

He move towards my ear and whispered.

Aahan: it will hurt!

I placed my hand in his chest to maintain distance.

Radhika: you deserve it!

Aahan: I will accept every pain from you.

Radhika: being senti?

Aahan: maybe!

I sneered and pushed him, I was about to leave when he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

Aahan: someone is there, wait or else they will think you did something fishy with your boss. I don't have any problems so if you want you can go.

Radhika: I'll prefer to wait!

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