Chapter 5: Second Wedding

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There were only three days gap between weddings, in all wedding functions Anuj tried to come closer to Divya but she maintained the distance. And our second couple talk less and fight more.

Shina pov,

Am I doing right? I'm getting scared now, he didn't even talk with me once in all this function. He is very cold, he didn't even talk with relatives or guest. He just stood on stage like mannequin, I think history will repeat again. It says 'karma always comes back', my cousin did oppression on innocent girls so now their sisters will pay back. I think I'll regret my decision, marriage thing is very important in life atleast for me.

Mina pov,

Calm down, calm down, it's normal to get married...............ahhhh! but not in the family like this. What I'll do? I'm very scared, according to Ishita bhabhi her family is very scary. What they will do if I made any mistakes? Will they punish me? me? I'll run back to my house then. Stop thinking negative everything will be fine, atleast I can assure myself for now.

Karan pov,

I'm doing this only for Kiara, I don't want this marriage, wife or anything. I hate her family, even if Shina was the last girl on the planet still I wouldn't had married her. Some part of me wants this so I can let them test their own medicine, but in the end I'm not like Oberoi's. I don't want to ruin her life but I can't do anything now. I'm destroying both of us life just for one person, how I'm gonna forgive myself.

Kabir pov,

I'm feeling very suffocated, my heart is crying from inside very badly and I'm smiling from outside just for image. Why my life is always this hard? What I do? I just want to burst out while hugging someone, but again I don't have anyone.
   I smiled at myself, life is hard......I swallow my saliva. Sometimes I just want to give up but I can't leave mom alone, she only has me.

At mandap:

Boys were already settled and after some time girls enter with chadars on top, Kabir & Karan both didn't look at their wives. And their wives also didn't look at them, Mina was nervous to look and Shina was angry.

Their looks:

Shina & Karan

Shina & Karan

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Mina & Kabir

Mina & Kabir

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