Chapter 29: Kabir Left The House!

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Next night:

Anuj's pov,

Today I'm so happy because Divya is returning back. After the family dinner she went on a business trip for a week, only I know how much I miss her. I wish to pick her up from the airport but she refused.
  I hurriedly walked inside, so desperate that I forgot to breathe.

Anuj: did she come?

I asked in a hurry, mom chuckled.

Mamta: she is in your room.

She patted my shoulder and I rose towards our room. I hurriedly twisted the knob and entered. I huffed as soon as I saw her beautiful face, which I'm seeing after the whole freaking week. Her eyes landed on me and when her echo hazel eyes met with mine, my shoulders relaxed. I took slow steps towards her, and she smiled. My heart flutters, oh god! I missed her so much. I stopped in front of her, I cupped her face with one hand. I move closer to her and closed my eyes, soon my lips landed on her forehead. After a long kiss I moved my face back, I smiled at her.

Anuj: I missed you!

I said while caressing her cheek with my thumb, she smiled. I know she will not repeat it but I wanted her to know, how much I miss her.

Anuj: how was your trip?

Divya: good!

Finally I heard her voice, oh god! I didn't think I'd go this crazy over her.

Divya: how are you?

I looked at her in surprise.

Anuj: physically I was ok.

She chuckled.

Divya: and mentally?

Anuj: disturbed!

Divya: you are getting addicted to me.

She said jokingly but for me it was all true.

Anuj: I'm not complaining!

She looked at me.

Divya: it's not good!

Anuj: not bad either!

She shook her head, I chuckled.

Anuj: seriously Divya I missed you so much.

She looked at me nervously, I frowned. She move closer to me, she held my blazer and tip toed. I raised my both eyebrows in surprise but my eyes widen when her lips made contact with my cheek. My soul left my body and I fell on bed, everything went numb. Suddenly I heard door closing sound, I lifted my gaze to look. I chuckled, she ran away. This is enough for me to believe that she miss me too, or else she would never pull such acts.

Shina's pov,

I tiredly twisted the knob, I'm beat! I don't know how Karan manage being this tired because I feel dying. I walked inside, I directly rose to my room. I took off my blazer, throw my heel and hit the bed. Bed soft mattress engulf me, I feel relaxed. Suddenly my eyes fell on night stand, with jolt I sat straight. I slowly moved towards the table, a pair of heels and a key wrapped in red ribbon.

Is it a gift?

When I took the key I realised it was a car key, I laughed in happiness.

Karan gifted me a car!

I screamed a little in excitement, I took the heels and tried them. They are elegant and more importantly comfortable, he notices it. I bear pain and hide it but still he notices, he gifted me a car because of yesterday's incident.

He is worried!

I smiled shyly, I ran rapidly to Karan's room. Without the knock I entered, he looked at me surprisingly. He was sitting in bed working on a laptop, I'm telling you his neala brown eyes are my weakness.

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