Chapter 40: Music

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Radhika's pov,

I was attending to the guest when suddenly someone tapped on the shoulder. I turn to the left but he appears from the right, I clenched my jaw. I was working from the morning and he didn't even help me.

Radhika: leave me alone!

I said without looking at him.

Aahan: why so angry?

Radhika: none of your business.

Aahan: whose business it is then?

Radhika: not yours!

Aahan: being aggressive because of work load?

I looked at him sharply but then I notice him or more pricely his look. He was looking damn attractive like alcohol, once you drink you get addicted. He was looking so fine that I just wanna stare at him.

 He was looking so fine that I just wanna stare at him

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Aahan: I have a surprise for you.

He said with a small smile, his sweetness doesn't go along with his naughty face.

Radhika: another work?

Aahan: no, someone is coming.

Radhika: and who is it?

Aahan: you'll see!

I frowned!

Aahan: now turn your face.

I turned my face and saw Sanskruti di at the entrance. I widen my eyes in surprise and looked at Aahan, he smiled. I took rapid steps towards her, for me di is my mayaka. I was never been so attached to my parents because of my feisty behaviour. It's not like that they didn't love me or I don't love them but di is different. She always understands me and cheerish me, and after her I miss Ayush the most. I hugged her and she hugged me back with wide smile. I broke the hug and caress her belly telling hi to baby.

Radhika: how are you di?

Sanskruti: fine!

Suraj: just become little feisty like you.

He said from behind.

Ishita: I think the baby will go on her masi.

I grin in excitement, masi! I'm becoming masi.

Radhika: really?

Sanskruti di remain silent.

Radhika: I'll get company.

He said while standing beside me.

Aahan: another destruction?

Radhika: shut up!

Aahan: look di how she treat her husband.

Sanskruti: Radhika you shouldn't talk him like that. Because of him your able to meet me today, be little thankful.

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