Chapter 15: Kabir's Visit!

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Divya's pov

After two days of happiness I'm back to work, I'm working on some important documents which I need for tomorrow's meeting. Honestly my schedule was packed to take leave from the office but I couldn't say no to them when they asked. But I enjoyed, every bit of it.
  My body heat raises and I blush, remembering our lake scene.....oh god! I buried my face in papers trying to hide crimson flustered cheeks even though there was no one to see. I was hiding my blush from myself only, a wide grin touched my lips. I slowly peek from paper to look at Anuj, he was in deep slumber. It was past one so he was sleeping, he insist me to join him or let him help me but I refused. He always wants to help me, be with me, have conversation with me and like always I push him away. How his concern gaze turn into hurtful when I lie to him back then. I always hurt people, it doesn't matter if it is intentionally or unintentionally. I hurt them that's all that matters.

But you make him happy later by calling his dad, dad.

But does it matter?

Knock! Knock!

I was thinking so deeply that knock starled me a little. Who came this late? I open the door and there Mina was standing with closed eyes. Without saying anything she walked toward bed and laid beside Anuj. She wrap her hand around his waist and sleep, I closed the door and walked near them. So adorable! I smiled at them, Anuj love his sisters like anything. They are his princess, mainly Mina.

Knock! Knock!

I frowned and opened the door, laugh slipped from my throat because Shina was standing in front of me while her eyes were close. She walked in and I already knew what she is going to do. She slip inside the duvet and sleep beside Mina. I walked to couch and took my phone, I went near them and clicked their pictures. I couldn't help myself from taking pictures, the view is so adorable.

Knock! Knock!

One more visitor? Who? I opened the door, now this visitor shock me.

Karthik: Divya, you can sleep with Roshni!

He was barely awake, he enter in duvet with smile. As soon he enter Shina shifted close to him, he took her in his arm and drifted in sleep. I know Karthik bhai is close to them but to not expect this, I just kept looking at them with smile. My cheeks started hurting because of smile but I care less. Finally I move to couch and started working again. After some time I finished and wrap up everything. I hesitate but walk towards Roshni bhabhi's room. I knocked and waited for her to respond, she opened the door and smiled when she looked at me.

Roshni: oh, you came!

She said while opening the door wider for me to enter.

Divya: yes, are you waiting for me?

I asked because she doesn't look like she was sleeping.

Roshni: yes, but the main reason I'm awake is I was completing some work.

I frowned.

Divya: working?

According to me bhabhi doesn't work, then what is she talking about?

Roshni: yes!

Divya: I thought you don't work.

Roshni: I don't!

She was confusing me more.

Divya: then?

Roshni: I'm completing my husband's work, I sometimes help him with work.

The way she said made me smile, some part of me feel proud on her. But I'm no one to be proud, my smile dropped.

Divya: oh, good!

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